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Hey guys, I haven't purchased my Cookshack yet. I'm having second thoughts as to whether or not the sm025 will be big enough to handle a load of about six or so average size kielbasa. I can get a sm025 for $699.00. If it won't be tall enough, then I can get a sm045 for around $1200.00. It's almost twice as much more for the 045. I realize the two prices are excellent, but money is a little tight these days.
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Are you talking the normal size kielbasa that are store bought? Usually comes with 2 12" or so linked kielbasa? If so then you can easily fit those 6 on one rack! Which means you could easily do 12 since there are two racks.

If you are trying to hang them and you use skewers stretched across the highest position, You're going to be cutting it close as I think the bottom of the kielbasa might be just above the heating cover. You would still be ok on cold smokes or lower temp smokes but if it was a high temp smoke I might be worried that it could get a little crispy at the bottom of the kielbasa. Just some thoughts...maybe others will chime in.
Chef-Boy-Arnie, I gotta admit...I've been following your posts since your Cabela's review on the sm035, and how you moved up to the Amerique. With that in mind, I decided to cut right to the chase and pull the trigger on the unit I'd eventually graduate to anyway, also due to the fact that I'm getting into processing meat more and more. O.k, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to place my order now...YAAAAA!

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