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There is a new book out - The Low-Carb Barbecue Book by Dana Carpender. It has lots of sauce and rub recipes using Splenda. She also makes potato salad using cauliflower instead of potatoes. I think I will have to try it to be a believer! The August issue of Fiery Foods/The BBQer magazine also has an article on low carb BBQ with some of her recipes.

Low carb seems to be cropping up everywhere and I'm sure it will have some impact on the bbq world - just look at all the restaurants that are adding low carb items to their menus. Money talks and bbq restaurants will probably try to keep customers or lure new ones with low carb.

Competition is probably another story. How 'bout it all you competitors out there - will you change your recipes for the sake of low carb?? Wink

i2bbq,good questions!Kraft now has a low carb bbq sauce that tastes very good as does Carb Solutions.Due to my girlfriends diet and blood sugar I must use those.They are very tasty on everything I tried.I used them on my weber gas gril,my pro smoker and my smokintex also.Great results every time.I also find I can use a sugar-free honey mixed in with the sauces and gives great flavor also.Try 'em and enjoy,good "Q" to ya all!BillyQ
Hi Dave,I buy the sugar free honey at my local Walmart in the honey section.Its called:Honet Tree's sugar free imitation honey in a 12 oz plastic bottle.It has 50 calories per tablespoon,no fat,no sodium,8mgs potassium,no sugar,3 grams of carbs.And the stuff tastes just like honey on pancakes,biscuits,bbq or whatever ya wish to try it on.Enjoy!We have to shop for low carb a lot due to my girlfriends blood sugar.But finding some good products lately makes it easy for me to enjoy quality tasting foods with her.Good "Q" to all. Smiler BillyQ
I have been hearing a lot lately about bbq spaghetti.Was wondering if anyone tried the new low carb Dreamfields Pasta?We use it and it tastes just like normal spaghetti,also use their version of penne (zitti) noodles and linguini with tasty results.Only thing to quirk on was the boil time for the noodles as ya have to boil for 3-4 minutes longer than the pkg directions.One day I will have to try some rib tips and sauce and zitti noodles?Might be good? BillyQ
Mueller's (not sure I am spelling that right) also has a low carb pasta. The deal is when you cook pasta and are trying to limit carbs is to ensure that you cook it al dente' (where it is not real soft). The longer you cook it, the more of the starch molecules convert to sugar. But I found you cant eat the whole box so be careful on your portion size (story of my life).

Another thing I have found that I like is to use these low carb wraps from Mission and other brands. They are very high in fiber and I wrap up my pulled pork with onions and stuff and sugar free sauce and really enjoy that...

Thanks for that tip on the honey, I do low carb to help control my blood sugar due to diabetes. I can use this on my Chipolte Honey Glazed rib sauce.

When I eat low carb, my blood sugar is under better control. I eat veggies and some fruit like cherries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries - so I guess I am not real low carb...more of like a South Beach diet.

Yeah that is something to think about. Insects wont touch diet soda or this artificial sweetened stuff. Try it yourself, spill a couple drops of coke and then another drops of diet coke and see where the ants go to.

Yeah sugar free honey to bees will kill them (if they will even eat it) but if I ate regular honey that will eventually kill me becuase of my diabetes...vicious circle...

Sausage is low carb.

Any spice added to sausage will/should be 0 in carbs.

Example of good sausage is HighMountain. Pretty lean in total spices. No soy protein, milk powder just simple needed stuff. The taste is outstanding and no othwer crap to change texture.

So, that, water, neat, casings. That's it. LOW CARB. HAve a go at it'

T^hen do what I did. Purchase the Cabelas commercial grade stuffer and grinder. 1hp of grinding power!!!!!!!!

I have used that pasta, I really like it, doesn't lack for flavor like so many other low carb modified foods do. I was glad to see it come to our local WalleyWorld. I have lost 30lbs low carbing it and have been on maintanance for a year now. I got into smoking for this reason. I try and eat about 100-125 carbs a day now and seem to be hanging right on in there. Gained only about 1lb back. To tell you the truth, I don't worry about bbq sause any more, I just watch how much. If you are still trying to loose weight, you are correct about staying away from it.
I would like to say thanks for all that have wrote back to my info on low carb and diabetic writings!Diabetes is a killer for sure and a lot of people have reversed diabetes(while taking Metformin) and dont need the meds due to maintaing on the low carb diet.I wish it was possible for all forms of diabetes for sure.I do know that sadley, a lot of Atkins products dont have a good taste about them and as a result people give up on low carb products.But cheer up,there are some good tasting products out there for sure.We have had good luck with the Carb Solution products(ice creame,salad dressings,alfredo sauce,spaghetti sauce and others) as well as some Kraft products and Dreamfield products.Yes,Mission low carb tortillas make excellent wraps and look for Natures Own low carb breads and Sara Lee breads are tasty also.Keep wishing for low carb instant mashed potatoes!!With baked beans use the Carb Free BBQ by Kraft and sugar free honey and favorite baked beans and add other ingredients as well for excellent baked beans.Yall enjoy,good "Q" to all,BillyQ Smiler

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