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And,like folks have been doing for generations,with a little experience,we can tell when to open the door and dump a litte heat,just like the house oven,or a black iron cooker settin' in the Tx sun,that is 135º,before you fire it up. Eeker

The FEC s with IQ4 controller may hold within 2 º+/-,and we still manage a certain amount of heat with the door.
When using a baffle for cold smoking, you want to be very careful of not overheating the element which will be below the baffle (and the thermostat)

My rule for cold smoking (055 unit) is to start the smoker (temp setting really doesn't matter but should be high enough to provide smoke) and go for no more than 25 mins or 90 degrees in the upper chamber whichever comes first. Then I turn the unit off and let it sit for an hour or more. That's usually enough but if you want more smoke, dump some heat and maybe go for 20 mins more and then let it sit.

Using the above, you can do most cheeses without them melting all over.

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