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I'm planning on brining a turkey (using SmokinOkie's brine recipe) and smoking a packer cut brisket.

I'm taking Wednesday off and driving to Leesburg Virginia from Maryland's Eastern Shore to help prep and smoke the beast. I'm figuring on getting the brisket in the smoker by noon Wednesday and letting it smoke at 250º until done. I usually smoke it at 200 - 225º. I want to slice the brisket so I'll take it out at 180º internal. I haven't smoked a brisket as fast as I am planning and was wondering if it will be done by Thursday morning. We have to drive back into Maryland with all the grub. What was the fastest anyone has smoked a 12lb brisket at 250 degrees??????

The turkey will be done in the oven, that's a no brainer....Just want to time the brisket right.

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Thanks for the reply Tom, I read your comments in the Brisket Archives on this......

I figured, if I can get the brisket in the smoker by noon on Wednesday, I can smoke it for 18 hours and have it off by 6am Thursday morning....That STILL leaves me with plenty of time if I need to extend my smoke....I think I'm safe...

DUH...I answered my own post!!!!

However, If I take the brisket off at 180º and double wrap in foil.....temps should continue to rise by another 5 or 8 degrees??? That should be about right for slicing..right???


Personally,I think I remember pulling a choice/or better at about 183º-184º and it sliced ok, after a few hrs in the hot box.

If your experience is good at that temp,I'd stick with it.

That is just a mite low for what we cook these days.

I'd still like to have the temp probe move through the flat fairly easy,and that rarely happens before about 195º-for us.

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