16 Boston Butts, that's what my brother just bought. Sounds like the south end of a northbound New England basketball team.
And, he rented a huge smoker on wheels. A tank, 4 feet in diameter, 8 feet long. Doors on both sides. No offset. The grills are right over the coals.
This is a fund raiser, but my brother ain't no Jim Minion! What to do?
In that situation, do you push the coals to one side of the smoker, and keep the meat over on the other? Seems like that would let you tend the fire from one set of doors, and the meat from the other set of doors. And, it would offset the meat a little, so it won't cook so dang fast.
I'll try to persude him to at least marinate some of those hunks.
Am doubtful about the outcome, friends.
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