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Hi gang, newbe here,just got my CS/FE100 today.Had to take my child bride out to a dinner party at her office tonight,or I would be out there drooling and slobering over it.Question,I've read just about evers post on this sight,and folks keep refering to LED read outs on temp.Well for the short time I was able to spend with my new unit,for the life of me,"there is no stinking LED readoutfor temp".So is there another a differance between the FE and the CS/FE.If so I'll stop looking for the LED readout,and call it a day.
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Mine was made in November of '03 and it has the digital readout.

I'm still waiting for the heavy duty cover and an updated instruction manual. As good as this unit is, and I do love it, I think CS needs to get it's act together a little bit more. They need a good, up to date instruction manual (mine didn't come with one, and when I requested one it came with hand cross-outs and correct information penciled in), the same equipment (digital readouts, door gaskets, or not) going to every customer, and the electronics properly wired and double checked.

And some day I'd like to see a combination how-to/cookbook, dedicated just to the special characteristics of the FE. Hell, I'd BUY that one in a flash.
Thank you everyone ,
After a careful exam this afternoon and Smokin's photo,I found the little bugger,hiding just above the temp knob,right where it belonged.OK look out Kroger,Butts and St Louis ribs 59cents Lb.Just guess whats going on after I season the rascal.
I'll post the results,and everyone thanks again.
Papa Shaka Big Grin Wink

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