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First off congrats on the restaurant soon to open! As for your question here are some thoughts.

Space: Depending on your space, one 250 may fit better, or vise versa.

Cooking: Having more than one cooker is always nice if you like to cook things all at the same time but at different temps. For instance 275 for ribs and 235 for pork etc. Or, while one is fired up for Q, the other can be cold smoking salmon, cheese, charcuterie etc.

It really all depends on what/how you plan to cook things. Neither is a bad choice! one more thing.....Unless you plan to be cooking 24/7 in which case this wouldn't matter- if you are in a slow period or have a party to cook for with specific needs, the 250 may be too big for your needs. But since you will have two of them, if you get busy and require more space, then you have another option with the second cooker.

Good luck and happy Q'en
Not that my SM150 has ever broken, but I like to have a backup just in case! We have a FEC and a SM150. We got the two so we could do competition with the FEC. Jack liked using the FEC the most, so we were relying on it for our commercial also, but after a couple of times when the FEC was out of commission, he learned how well the SM works. Now we've ordered another SM just for home use. It will be nice to have another backup if we should ever need it, too.
jam, the only other consideration that you might think about is the 150's are 120 volt and the 250 is 240 volt. but either way you can't go wrong.
myself i like the versatility of having two smokers (soon to be three smokers)
the 120 volt for us was a major consideration since we are mobile.
I'm not a pro,but I have cooked a bunch with some.

If you cook a couple meats consistently,at a large volume,the 250 is dandy.

If you have multiple ,less qualified cooks,two cookers are helpful.

If you plan to use the holding features of all that electronics,a second cooker is necessary.

As Jack says,the versatility demands of a full smoking kitchen,would almost dictate two cookers.

Ask the Cookshack sales staff,about your specific needs.

They do this for restaurants all over the world.
Thanks to all!
Especially Phillip, Peggy, Jack & Tom for taking the time to share their thoughts. Today I'm meeting with the landlord and the lawyers. If all goes well, I'll contact Cookshack next week. In either case,I really appreciate your input and welcome your comments.

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