Hi Folks. My name is Buck and I am in the process of purchasing a Cookshack smoker. I am hoping to rejuventae a bar and restaurant that went downhill due to management issues etc. Smoked BBQ products are not offered in the market place, at least in a true sense of authtic smoked, and I am now researching the art of smoking in prepartion of choosing and receiving my new Cookshack smoker. I have scanned the Forum and see that there's a huge amount of useful info. Wow! I guess my first question involves smoking, holding and serving. I'm a bit confused by the variety of methods and would welcome any advice. I have reviewed, for example, recipes for smoked ribs ... after they're done, let cool for 30 minutes at room temperature, then wrap and refrigerate. How do you bring the product back to a proper serving temperature and deliver a product that customers would think just came fresh out of the smoker. Are the ribs best reheated in a holding slow-cooker, or "finished" on the grill? I fully realize that I am as newbie as one can get, but I will be doing a heck of a lot of practicing over the next 3 months. Perhaps I will weigh 300 lbs. by Xmas! Thanks. I want to learn!!!
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