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I just recieved my FEC100 2 days ago. I am more than a little imtimitated by it. You see..I have never used a smoker before. So could someone walk me through how to cure this baby please. I have 3 racks and about 20 pieces of chicken ready to go. Last question..when the curing process is done..can I cook right away or do I have to wait. I apologize in advance for my obvious dopey questions..but I just don't to blow it. Thanks
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put pellets it, set it on 200, let it go for several hours, say 4 to 6.

When you first do this, take a handful of pellets, and throw in the pot before you start.

Now, read through these forums (focus on the good stories, not the horrow stories).

Do NOT be intimidated. That's the whole reason for this forum, just read a bunch and ask all the questions you have.

You've got a great cooking machine there. It'll come quick.
Thank-you very much for your support. I have another question for you. I started the seasoning process as you suggested about 1 hour ago.For the firt 15min or so there was smoke.1
hour later there is none or seemly very little. Is this normal? My temp reading is fine and I here the auger working and there is heat coming from the smoker..and if nothing else could test my confidance the damn cooker is so quiet.I feel that all is well but I need a boost of wisdom.
The initial smoke was from the pellets you threw into the pot, yes?

If you're not getting more, are there pellets dropping down the ramp? Is the smoker holding temp?

You will NOT always see smoke, but that doesn't mean there isn't smoke. The best smoke for Q'in is actually blue and clear.
Thanks Tom and smokinokie for your help. Well I guess that's it is only fair that I share in my defeats as well as my victories. my fist smoked sucked.. I can't discribe to you guys without laughing at myself so hard that I break wind.. However I learned soooo much today.This smokin stuff is not for thin skinned. You have to man up and face up to the challange I really and truly had one of the best days of this year. I love this cooker..and I am ready for round two this saturday. R

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