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I just bought two eye rounds for $2.49#. Pricey by brisket standards, I've been getting them for $1.75-1.85#, but since the eye rounds won't need any trimming, cost is likely about the same, and it will look good corned and sliced.

BJ's has chuck roll for $2.49# also, up from $1.85# in the fall. My food supplier, IFH, only lists a chuck roll they say averages ~35# @ $4.00#, two to a case. What the heck is that? BJ's chuck roll runs 16-18#. I tried to look up IFH's item but didn't see even a primal cut that fit the description.
Seems like chuck rolls,or clods run about 22-24 lbs,untrimmed,and usually can get them ordered for around $2/lb.

The reps that sell all the Southern Prides around Fl,teach whole rounds,top rounds,bottom rounds for beef, in their smokers,and prices are pretty reasonable.

I'd think bottom rounds,around 16-18 lbs should be around for less than brisket,and should corn well.

Seems like I paid about $1.60/lb at Winn Dixie for the last bunch.

Like Ribdog says,he and I kinda like those chuck rolls.

Never tried corning, other than briskets and rounds.
Thanks guys, you'all sure know your meat. I looked at bottom rounds tonight and they sure look good size and shape wise, but they're $2.50# also, and no fat hardly at all. I'll have to learn how to cook to keep it from drying out. But if i can figure it out, it would sure make a good looking brisket clone.
I use clod too for chopped beef. At the time of the original post I was looking for something to sub for sliced brisket because I either couldn't find brisket, or didn't like the quality of what I did find. Things have gotten a little better now, but still a bunch of small briskets with thin flats.
We try not to cook a lot of flats,but.

The Sam's, around some of the South, get IBP flats, around seven lbs.

Price varies ,but does save you prep/labor cost/time.

Throw in the yield increase/labor saving and it might work out.

Restaurant Depot s,if they open near you,have LARGE CAB flats,8-10 lbs,and the price might be workable.

Team mate had been using them.

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