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Good news for all those patient forum members out there who have been waiting on an AmeriQue...we are releasing them today! We will be shipping backorders this week, and hope to have new orders shipping next week. We have a page for the AmeriQue now, so click here to see the AmeriQue and learn more about it. Order it online, or call Karen at 1-800-423-0698.
All of us at Cookshack are all really excited about this smoker, it truly will be able to change the way you barbecue.
Happy Smokin'!
Marketing Coordinator
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Originally posted by mcnkc:
[qb] You mean it WON'T be you Smok'in ?? lol Confused [/qb]
Well I had my request in, but I'm getting the new version of the FE's for the contest to test. I'll get a 66 model some time and take photos when I can.

Originally posted by TaktEZ:
[qb] Hey Smokin' How 'bout a special forum section for the AmeriQue? Sure would sure make it easy to keep in touch with that way. Just a thought. [/qb]
Probably not for now. We have the "electric" forum dealing with the various models and the "FE" forums.

Trying to separate the owners into their smokers would add too many more.

I already get complaints we have to many. Hard to find them all on the main page.

thanks for the idea.

My AmeriQue is scheduled for delivery on Friday. I can already feel a case of the flu coming on. So I guess I'll be home when it arrives. Big Grin

I'm sure some smoke and good BBQ will have me ready to be back in my office by Monday AM. Can't think of any better medicine.

Many thanks to Karen for her help and kind attention.

Hi Beefy,

Here's what I know so far:

1. Temp regulation is spot on.
2. The timer is "count down." You set the cook time and it counts down as is it cooks.
3. The Hold feature works like a champ.
4. The size is great for whole racks of spares and big briskets.

I seasoned it Friday night, but didn't get a chance to cook. Talk about "all dressed up and nowhere to go." I'll do some ribs tonight, I hope, and will have more to pass along soon. (If I can get a batch to look like Dennis's recent post, I'll be a happy camper.)

Thanks for the good words, Roger, RibFan and old Wheelz. Cookshack and the folks on this forum are the best.

The unit has a digital count down timmer. T few the original set time you can breafly hit the cooktime button and it will display the original set time. It will allow you to set temps up to 300 deg.
Originally posted by 43551Mr.Beefy's groupie:
It looks very nice but I have a couple questions that I did not see on the information page.
Does the digital controller have a timer or a clock that tells how long the smoker has been turned on, and how high of a temp does the AmeriQue reach? Thanks
You are close! If you are using the probe, you won't set the timer, only the cooking temperature and the probe temperature. So if you want to cook at 225 degrees to an internal temperature of 195, it will cook until that 195 is reached, whether it takes 12 hours or 20, and as soon as it is reached it will drop to hold at 140.


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