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I've lurked around here for quite some time, and first I'll say thanks to all for providing some valuable information. I have just left a corporate job to return to teaching. My wife is also a teacher, and we are planning to start a bbq catering/vending business to supplement our income during the summer months and maybe some on the side during the school year. We have a small child and are not sure if we would want or be able to make this a full-time gig. My experience includes opening and running restaurants for about seven years (working for somebody else) during my twenties.

We're looking to work with a mobile kitchen trailer. With the recent job change, we're approaching this slowly and hope to work through the winter to be ready to go next summer.

I was wondering what you all thought about a few things:

Is there anything better/worse about forming an S Corp over an LLC? They seem fairly similar in terms of what we'll be doing.

For those who have bought custom trailers, did you first consider building out a trailer yourself, or was it never a consideration? Not counting sweat, it seems that you could save a substantial amount if you could do it yourself. I have access to free carpentry and plumbing help, but I don't know a lot about the plumbing part myself. I was wondering if there was something we weren't considering about doing the build out ourselves.

Any comments are appreciated.

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hi randall,
first off glad that you are here. this site has helped me and peggy more than we could ever say and everyone we have met are so nice.
as far as doing our own build out we thought it was best to go with a builder as florida has some fairly strict laws. we chose trailer tech after looking for 5 months on the internet. thier website is
as far as the llc or chapter s goes we went with chapter s after talkingto our cpa. if you dont have one it might be a good idea to find one as their advice is invaluable.
last week we recieved from the state approval on our trailer and when it is picked up they will do a physical inspection and sign off. this costs 150. believe me you will jump thru some hoops but hang in there it is worth it and it is another reason why we went with a builder as they pretty much know what the state requires.
if you would like to see what we have been thru so far go to the professionals subject "took the plunge friday" and follow that one or "trailer tech delays" to get an idea of what all is involved
if peggy or i can be of any help i think all you have to do is hit the email icon and start typing. on my end it shows something from donna at cookshack so i always look for those. by the way peggy is seen on this site as 2 greyhounds.
again welcome and if we can help you in any way please feel free to email us. we aren't experts but we can tell you what the state of florida has required from us and maybe make it easier for you.
jack percifield
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
ps just got confirmation to day from alex that the 20th is firm. will be adding that to trailer delay thread

Welcome to the Forum. Lots of experience and knowledge here.

I'm kinda "baby-stepping" into things here...been doing some catering and vending; things have grown to where I am making a bigger baby step- buying a professionally built trailer.

I looked at trailers wherever I could find 'em- the net mostly. I looked at some used ones, and there were a lot of them that were pretty cruddy looking. I thought about building my own; but by the time i finally would have built one, the cost would probably have been close to what I could buy a nice new one for. I haven't taken delivery yet, but hopefully in a month or two, I will have it.

I have small children and a regular job which I'm not quitting (yet!) to become a full-time food guy. We will be doing events and catering.

My advice is to do as you are doing now- don't bet the ranch on a restaurant; do a lot of research and be double sure of your health dep't regs....

Good luck and have fun.

Chris / LongRiders Bar~B~Que
Thanks folks, for the information, advice, and well wishes. I'm sure I'll have a few more questions, so I hope I don't wear out my welcome. Here's another one: How much does your loaded trailer weigh, and what do you use to pull it with? I'm gettting ready to trade trucks and would like to get something that will be good to go once we get the trailer.

Thanks again,
To answer my own question, and in case anyone else is interested, I called a few concession trailer builders, including Trailer Tech, about the weight. I was told that the 18'-20' trailers (with equipment) would gross from 4000 to 6000 pounds, of course depending on what they had in them. I really had no idea whether I would have to buy a dually or if I could pull it with my Ranger. Here are a few towing capacity charts I found for several different pickemup trucks:
The trailer manufacturer also supplied us with drawings of the trailer. We had to have that to supply to the state, although from reading the application, I could have probably sent them a sketch. You have to show all the equipment, where the propane tanks are located, fire extinguishers....I forget what else. You also have to have a commissary kitchen to list, and the sign off on whether they use city or what kind of water supply, etc. Since you are in Florida, you can get the application at " division of hotels and restaurants mobile food dispensing vehicle plan review application". Be sure to get the packet which includes the form for the commissary.
Best of luck
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
Thanks, Jack and Peggy. I ended up trading for the Ford F-150. I was actually all set to get a Dodge before, but that dealership ticked me off.

Thanks for the advice on the state stuff. About a month ago, I did actually talk to some of the State regulator folks from Jacksonville on the phone. I kept asking questions and they kept adding people to the phone call to answer the questions, which I thought was very helpful. I am still a little unclear on whether I would need a seperate commissary and dumping station for the grey water. Can you dump at the commissary?

I really appreciate the knowledge you're sharing here. My wife and I are hoping to be at the FBA Fun Cook. We have competed once as Acme BBQ Company (that was in Callahan). I also cook with Weapons of Mass BBQing on occasion and will be with Don Sparks at some of the upcoming FBA events. I'll be sure to look you up to thank you personally (and check out your new trailer!).

The people at the state said you could use the commissary mop sink for disposal of grey water.
I talked with the ones in Jacksonville, too. I told them right off that I wasn't sure what I was doing and asked them if they would please work with me. The lady I was speaking to said, "That's fine, nobody seems to know what they are doing." That said, I felt like I was in great company! (I'm not sure if she meant folks like me or the state employees)
We might not have our trailer at the fun cook off. It keeps getting delayed by TrailerTech. But we are planning to attend and wouldn't mind helping out where ever we can.
It will be nice just to meet everyone.
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
I hope to see you there. It's so close to the date of the FBA fun cook off. I just sent in the application. I hated not being able to check off entries. We were hoping to make this our first event.
We'll be in the Howard Johnsons without trailer, and without the 2 greyhounds, Moose and Corvette.
HOWEVER! I will wear my
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!! t shirt whenever I can!
If you know of a team who could use our help, please tell them we'd be glad to help.
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!

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