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Will the holding cabinet such as the one by Metro on the website suffice for holding slabs of ribs? Description says that it allows the user to digitally control temperature and humidity individually.

Also, what temp and humidity level do you guys recommend holding St Louis Style Ribs that have just been cooked in the Cookshack? Still kind of new to cooking and holding of the ribs so all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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It would be helpful to know which specific product from that website.

Go to the website, and find the product. Copy the URL Address from the browser address window.

In here in a response, click the URL button below the text window and insert the URL.

That way you can get a specific answer on the exact product.

Originally posted by Pitcherjlt:
[qb]Will the holding cabinet such as the one by Metro on the website suffice for holding slabs of ribs?

How long are you intending to hold them? If you're thinking of 4-6 hours, that unit would probably work well. Longer than that, you're better off chilling and rewarming in a convection oven or grill top. Keep in mind that a long hold with high humidity, might produce a "falling-off-the-bone" effect.

Download the product spec sheet from the web site and give Metro a call. They should be able to provide you specific info.
150 works well as holding cabinet too. But as stated dont leave in at 140-150 long as they will continue to cook and get more tender (will fall apart). I almost always took ribs from smoker, brushed with sauce and put all in tub and put in cooler.

Then on order I would take it out, and put on tray and insert in electric pizza oven at 600 degrees (didnt have gas grill) and oven worked well for heating quickly.


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