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well, i hate bashing, but sometimes its just gotta be done. here is a warning to all of you who go to sams.......
this has happened to me twice in a row, so it makes me wonder....
bought a case of butts from sams. i was buying a lot of stuff, so i didnt look real close til i got to my store. the price was 1.23 a pound. ok, thats high, but the problem is with the proposed weight. they claimed the case to weigh 81.0 pounds. i have a small scale, and added up all the weights.....61 pounds! they gouged the case weight by 20 pounds. hey, if they want more money for it, change the pound price, not the weight! next time, i am going to take my bathroom scale with me....put them on the spot!
just be careful out there, ok?
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Not to take Sam's side on the issue but I would bet that it was a scanning error, scale error, or possibly your scale is a little off (which would be compounded because you are having to weigh the items seperately and add them all together. If you are using a dial scale (not digital) it has been my experience that it becomes drastically less accurate as you approach the top end of the scale). I have been ripped off by meat companies before and their modus operandi is usually to just "put a thumb on the scale" or in other words to inflate the weight by a small enough amount that no one would notice. You are saying that they inflated the weight by 25%. That's Huge. If they are being that blatant they will obviously get caught and there are legal (fraud) issues that are bigger than just negative feedback from customers. On your next purchase, I would ask them to let you see them weigh it. Once you have verified that their scale matches the weight on the tag (which by the way is often weighed and tagged at the processing plant), take it to a local supermarket and ask them to let you use their scale to re-weigh the product (I usually find a couple of free dinner vouchers to your place encourages cooperation. If there is a significant discrepency in weights you will know that they are wrong and you will also have a stronger "case" because you have verified it with an independent scale. Then it's between you and Sam's and/or the courts. Good Luck!!!

Posted the message then had another thought. Was the case opened already. If so, you may have inadvertantly purchased a broken/partial case instead of a whole case or maybe a Sam's employee was thinking about Pork for dinner.
I have been using Ben E. Keith Foods ever since I opened in October and they have been good to me so far. Kind of tough to get samples sometimes but that has more to do with the maker of the food product rather than Ben E. Keith. Overall, I would rate them a 94 out of 100. They have excellent service and a great selection. I dealt with Sysco while preparing my business plan and could tell from talking to their sales rep that things were not going to work out for the two of us. He and I did not see eye to eye on business ethics. I have them!! I would definitely recommend Ben E. Keith Foods. I believe their home office is in Fort Worth, Texas. All of my shipments come from their distribution warehouse in North Little Rock, Arkansas.
your right, it was a sticker problem. the price was supposed to be 81.00 instead of 81 pounds. it was the heavy weight that caught my eye. normaly they weigh around 60+ pounds. i dont think them cases could hold 80 pounds. anyway, sams made it right this time, so they are back in my good graces. i would definitely try that ben keith if they delivered in our area.
well, we have the g-8 summit coming up here in savannah. sure hope it dont cause a lot of problems for our town......
I am using sams for chickens(65cents per lb)for my bbq chickens and use the whole loins for fried pork chop plates. Their butt prices are not competive in my area by about 20 cents per lb so I use whole shoulders from US foods. But having been in the pork business and the restaurant business I know a needle mark in the loins when I see one. All of their boneless loins have needle tracks where they have added weight to the loins I am switching to US food loins next week but I will continue to use their chickens because of the great price but they also add weight to the chickens

I can highly recommend both st. john's and us foods here in north florida. good people, honest service and dont forget us foods was at the nbbqa convention in atlanta openly trying to get the business of the small guy.
as an aside to coffeebluffbbq after the g8 summit in seattle i got a black star of anarchy star with a human liberation fist tattoed on my left calf to celebrate the unions taking that conference down. ps, 53 year old veteran here, tired of the g8 send your job to india mentality Mad
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!

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