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You know I am no expert at this and am trying to figures things for myself. But I will share what I am doing which seems to be working for me.

As soon as I take the ribs out of the smoker I immediately wrap and seal them in film. I make sure there are no pin holes that are sometimes produced from the sharp edges of the bones. Then I put them in the steam table with wax paper between each so they won't stick to each other. If they didn't sell that day then they stay in the reefer until I get an order and reheat in the "reheat" mode of my microwave bone side down. The film will balloon while cooking as much as 6 inches but has never burst. Sometimes if they didn't balloon or feel hot enough I'll turn them over and do a short cycle. I try to leave them in the film and let them heat themselves as I prepare the rest of their order.

They stay very moist. I have had better luck with the moisture and more meat with the PFG Milton frozen St. Louis style spares then with Sam's!

I do remove the single membrane before smoking and use mustard and Bad Byron's Butt Rub.
Actually I can get a pair of KC style ribs side by side in a pan but I first put down paper towel, the raised grate would work too. Then wax paper or something to keep the film from "gluing" themselves together for the next layer of ribs! So in a 4" deep full size pan I can get 4 racks easily. I don't have an raised grates...not sure what you mean. I keep the heat to a minimum because they were hot out of the oven and will cool very slowly to 140. But then they will live in the refrigerator until sold.

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