To agree that there are lots of techniques.To also agree that if you got a walk,don't mess with success.
When you sit at a table with all Master judges,some may check the skin as a "test" as you suggest.Virtually all ot these "Masters" will toss the skin-regardless of "eat as presented by the cook"directions.Yes,in a large contest with a lot of "good cooks",there will be a lot of similar/good thighs.
Seems to me that when those close cooked thighs are looked at,the judge gets really focused on the moisture and how the chicken bites,and tastes.
You walked,and I believe Randy took Trigg's course.John spent a long time trying to teach Mike Davis everything he knew,so Randy probably cooks it a lot that way.
As a cook that judges some,I try to figure out how a cook did great skin,and then mostly how he cooked great thigh meat.
Like the other good cooks here,I'd guess you drew the wrong table,or the other cook cooked real good chicken.
Like you said that is a lot of time and thought going into the skin,which may not be worth the part of a point in the score.
Not that we haven't messed a lot with skin,but just my $0.02 worth.