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You're basically talking Prime Rib. Check the Prime Rib forum and there's lot of info there.

Are you wanting to cold smoke and then slice the steaks and finish cooking?

Not sure what you're trying to accomplish as 120 is pretty much MR and "finishing" to order will tend to cook them to Medium or Medium Well.

I think you'd be better off slicing them into steaks, cold smoke them (keep the temp below 100) and then cool them down. Then finish them on a grill if you're wanting some "smoke" taste on the steak.

But it might be a whole lot of effort for a minimal effect. I'm not a huge fan of cold smoking steaks. Once you grill them I don't taste enough of the smoke coming through over the grill / char taste.

But certainly run some tests and let your taste buds be the judge.
I often cut ribeyes, bone in off a 7 bone prime rib and put in the FEC100 to about 100F internal temp then finish them off on the grill. About 3 minutes a side does great. It works equally as well with tri-tip and just did some 1 1/2" pork chops from a black pig I bought at the fair. Just enough smoke flavor to really enhance the meat without over powering it. The only problem is that now they taste so good I have to allow an extra hour when ever we have steaks or chops any more... :-)

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