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Dave's Pit-Smoked Bar-B-Que. Small BBQ joint (30+ seats), catering, personal chef.

Worked for public health district for 17+ years prior to opening my store.

A licensed midwife with 1162 births. Had my practice full time prior to public health, and then part time for a while after starting with public health.

Taught junior high school for two years.

Worked for American Cancer Society for two years.

Worked at a flour mill for a year right out of college.


Army flight medic 1971-1974.

High School.

Qing since I was old enough to keep up with my granddaddy, who was quite an accomplished pit-master.
Good Morning. Wonderful day here in the heart of the Bitteroots.

We own and operate Grumpy's Barbecue. In the restaurant business for 40 years, retired, got bored with being a house husband and started selling a little Q at the local farmers market in 2003. Business was good so graduated to a 14 foot self contained kitchen in modified Pace cargo trailer in 2005. Was fortunate to get a semi permanent location on a fairly busy roadway. Again business was fantastic but had to close in the winter due to climate. Lots of requests for catering which is really tough when working in a two butt kitchen. This winter a nice little A frame former restaurant building became available in Hamilton 20 miles south. Bill Wright, who we had been competing against locally dropped by to chat. The next thing I know we are working on a small (36 seat) sit down restaurant in Hamilton. It opened 5 days ago and we can hardly keep up. It has a drive through window and is on a main highway and right down town. Already booked several caterings and the kitchen is maxed out. On the side we had decided to move our smokers outside the kitchen. So we constructed a vinal coated metal storage shed just out back to house our two smokers. One a cs150 and the other a Joe Smoker 410. Inside we have an Alto Shasm TH1000 on the line to reheat and hold product. We give credit for this miracle to our Heavenly Father. Buying good used first class equipment we could be out of debt in as little as 4 months. Dave's comments above on a good business plan are right on. It is a must and makes life so much easier. Have to go work on a gig for 300 the 17th. God Speed to all of you. Keep Stokin and smokin. By the way a little conversation with John S at CS sure greases the skids.
Originally posted by hawsfli:
Good Morning. Wonderful day here in the heart of the Bitteroots.

We own and operate Grumpy's Barbecue...snip

Next time I have an excuse to get into Montana, I'm dropping by. I love to eat good 'Q made by someone other than me Big Grin

Isn't that Alto Shaam a wonder? It holds product straight out of the pit for hours, and it will still taste perfectly fresh. It sounds like you've got a wonderful thing going there, Hawsfli. Congrats!!
Partners in Swine BBQ Catering....13 months (yes, we are babes in the woods!!)
I work for the USAFR and my partner work for DSS in NC. We love catering and we are looking to take it to then next level and find a fixed place for operations, not really a resturant, but possible take out only. Lots of options out there, and we just have to figure out where we want to take it...
I have not been on the site in a bit. Very busy with a 2 1/2 year old and a 6 month old.
I own a 60 seat cafe/wine bar and a very high volume catering company. We do events so far as big as 5,000 people. I do some BBQ trying to bust into it more. I have a cookshack 150 and several Big John Propane Grills. The site is a wonderful tool. I just did 40lbs of chicken wings - they were great.
Long Riders BBQ does custom catering and special events, and operates out of a custom-built 24-foot trailer kitchen. Long Riders serves fun. We cooked the first known giant squid which recently was caught in the Pacific; Calamari for 400 people, mostly the National Geographic television crew (admittedly not barbecue but what the hell).

Long Riders Barbecue also has the distinction of using the world's largest cooker: last year during the valley fires I found a herd of elk which had been killed by smoke inhalation; the meat was done perfectly so I fed it to the town of Cut Bank, Montana. Pretty cool.

We were contracted to provide most of the meals for a Montana politician and his entourage last year; that was fun but we had to turn down the offer to move out to Washington. I would not want my kids growing up like that.

I used to wash dishes at the Old Ox.
Pizza restaurant for 4 years, BBQ for the last year or so. Did alot of offset cooking in the back yard. Went to Memphis in May in 2003 hooked ever since. I was a garbage man for 24 years, then went into the restaurant after my parents retired, it's been there 40 years.
I have a CS 150. We are just starting to do fairs and catering.
US Navy 1974 to 1978
4 Children and 2 grandkids with one on the way.
I should have done the restaurant years ago. Hard work and lots of it, but I'm happier then I have ever been
Marv's Marvlus Pit Bar-B-Q...We ONLY do catering and ONLY cater BBQ. We are located in Olympia, WA and have been catering great BBQ for 13 years now.
This IS my full time job even though I only work April-Oct (for the most part).
My wife and I have each had store front type businesses in previous lives and decided that we did NOT want to be tied down that much again. We like the catering as it gives us the free time we enjoy.

We have 3 Pitts & Spitts mobile pits and a new FEC-100 due TODAY!!!!

My website is
Hello Everyone, Well I am new to CS forum and this will be my first post.
We own a small Barbque Restaurant in Greeneville Tennessee called Chuckwagon Bar B Que. It's only 38 seats but in the 2 years we have been open we are finding the need to expand! We do quite a bit of Catering and it keeps us out of trouble if you can call it that.
We have 2 Hickory Creek Smokers which are made in Jackson, Tennessee and a Lang 84 Tandem and will soon be adding a FEC 100 to the list. Our biggest catering job so far has been for about 500 but in June we are doing one for aprox. 3000 anyone have any suggestions for me? HELP!!!!!! any way I enjoy reading the posts on here and think it will be fun keeping track of what everyone else has to say.

Big Allen

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