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Agnostic I can tell you the basics on the SM066 door seal. The SM066 has a metal on metal seal process so during the initial smoking process with any cooker you will see some leakage. As time goes by and the metal heats and cools it will lesson but will rarely stop leaking all together. As far as running it in a shed I ran mine in my laundry room for a long time with a fan in the window behind the oven and that done a pretty good job. However with any wood burning appliance such as a fireplace wood stove or smoker oven you can not stop all the smoke smell. I think that is what makes smoked food so enticing for me is smelling it and making me hungrier.
I have an AmeriQue.

The door leaks VERY little after you get it broken in and smoked on it awhile. It also has smoke coming out the top in 2 vents, all the time so you are not going to escape the wonderfull smell.

As Smmokin says, everytime you open the door it is going to leak a lot!!

Put a vent in the roof of the shed.
I would not recommend running this unit inside any structure that you don't want to smell "smokey". I store my Amerique inside my garage, and when I use it I roll it outside. After it cools down I roll it back inside. Even if it rains, I found a rectangular shaped bucket that fits snuggly over the control unit to keep it perfectly dry when in use out doors.

I have used mine a couple of years with no issue of door leakage. Lately the AQ has been getting more time on the road than smoking time. I usually load and unload by myself and I haven’t been very gentile with it. As a result it is beginning to leak a bit out the door seal, but not enough to cause concern. It will self seal with use.

Like JT I normally store mine in the garage and wheel it outside for use, no matter what the weather. It has been used enough that if I leave the cover off while it is in the garage during the week my garage smells smoky, but I don’t mind. It makes me hungry.

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