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I've read somewhere some folk leaving their cover on their FEC all the time; even when cooking. Really? is there a limit to doing this? Wintertime only? My FEC while not scorching, got pretty warm/hot to the touch in some spots. I don't wanna melt my cover on my brand new smoker. I would keep the cover on if it wont melt. Cover seems durable enough. Please chime in if you leave your cover on with no issues.
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My covers are on 100% of the year. I open the zippers, push it back far enought not interfer with the door and off we go.

Realize this smoker has 800 degree insulation, so it's not going to spontaneously combust. The only temp you usually feel is where the air escapes around the door, or around the vent or the scorching sun hitting the aluminum.

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