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This shared by some comp cooks/caterers on Ray Basso's forum.

The experience may prove useful to some of us.

Posted by robertlh on July 31, 2007 at 00:12:38:

I just got done with a cater, and like most, came away scratching my head on quantities.

I was to provide 320 servings of bbq beef, baked beans (13 gal – 25 servings per) and potato chips (20 lbs – 1 oz serving). My original plan was 4.5 oz beef, or 90 lbs, served on a 4" bun. I came up a little shy on finished product so decided on 4+ oz per bun. I showed the servers (provided by the customer) what "to shoot for". One server ran a little light and the other a little heavy (by observation only) – but even so – 4 oz of shredded beef on a 4" bun creates a serious "hang-over" Smiler Beans were served with a 3 oz spoodle (heaping) and chips we served by the hand-full from a bulk bag. Sauce was self-serve. A 3-compartment plate was Full.

When it was all said and done – there were 298 buns used but there was 15-18 lbs of beef, 5 half pans (gallons) of beans and 8 lbs of chips left. What gives? I "think" we done the recommended serving per item, the plate was FULL, but yet we ended up with a boat load of extra food.

No way do you wanna run short but it just seems I always end up with way too much food. And that extra food is lost profit I think.

Whatta u all think/do?

Robert in Garden City

In Reply to: Catering - amounts and extras posted by robertlh on July 31, 2007 at 00:12:38:

4 oz beef * 300 equals 1200 oz euqals 75 lbs of product. 90 lbs equals 360 4 oz servings. So your math came out about right and you cooked a little extra.

Beans equals 25 per can at 4 oz for 300 servings equals 12 cans. again right on so either you served 3 oz or 25% less or a lot of people didn't eat beans (some won't). 3 oz equals 30 per can equals 10 cans and as you had 5 left that means a bunch of people skipped the beans.

Chips - grab bags cost more but better control of portion. Sounds like some people skipped chips or some people got a small handful.

It looks to me like you math was right on for planning and you served less than planned and smaller portions.

from the looks of it you fed 298 of the 320 and I make 10% over Your not that long on product. If you fed the other 22 people you would be right on spot for meat. beans still heavy, chips hmm Looks to me you had a great gig. congrats. feed the help and be happy.

I would fridgerate the leftovers and donate them to the local food pantry tomorrow and deduct your gift from your taxes. Everyone wins! Regroup and figure it up a little differently next time. You'll never get it perfect no matter how hard you try, but you'll get a bit closer.
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