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Hi Everyone,

I bought 2 40 pound boxes of Fresh Chicken quarters they have been in my walk in cooler for 48 hours and are still half way frozen.

How can I thaw out this much chicken safely?
I found this link.

Or do I smoke them part frozen?
If so what temp and aprox how long?

I have a client picking them up at 4:00 pm tommorow.

My SM150 set at 225 usally takes about 3 hours to cook chicken quarters.

Thank you,
Brian E.
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Hi Steven,

This was the first and last time to do chicken quarters.
Each piece had to be washed and trimed.
They had lots of fat and organ under the rib.
Good thing the price for each 40 pound box was only $16. Overall way to much labor.
Chicken finally thawed out, client loved it.
Briskets and butts much easer to handle.

Happy New Year.
Brian E.

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