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In a comparable size ,the traditional Cookshack is a little more user friendly-especially if you have low wage/slightly trained help.

You don't have to haul the pellets,worry about parts or mechanisms in a feed system.

They seem to handle variations in power feed well.

On the other hand,the FE Cookshack is more versatile.

It can give you much higher temps and quickly.

You can hot cook poultry and cook a whole other variety of foods.

Just a couple of thoughts,until some actual experts chime in.
I've been thinking about the same thing. If I were going to just offer BBQ, I think the CS would be the way to go. But I keep thinking that I'll need 2 cookers anyway for redundancy. Again, if I just plan to do BBQ, then a CS160 and a CS260 would be perfect, but something keeps whispering in my ear that I might want to cook something other than butts, ribs, and shoulders, then I'm back to looking at the FE and the CS260. I hate to haul pellets around for nothing, and I think I'd use the 260 a lot more, but I leave a lot of potential behind if I don't get the FE too. Why does life have to be so complicated?
here's my 2 cents and why.
cadillac is right we own both an sm150 and fec100.
as to why it is somewhat complicated but here goes. my wife was intimedated by the fec but loved the sm150. i wanted to compete to grow our business so that required the fec. plus i like to fiddle with things and blending wood has been fun. now to be really honest i believe for catering we will use the sm150 as the workhorse but the ability to change up and go with two totally different woods and temps is a plus. also to be brutally honest i had 30k budgeted for the trailer, smokers and generators. at the nbbqa convention in atlanta john and gang helped us meet those goals and then some!!!!!
to give you an idea of pellet burn i took a 2 gallon zip lock bag filled with pellets last weekend to do a test run for competition. i smoked over 8 hours and still came home with about 1/2 the bag. was running temps around 250 for 6 of those hours so it really doesn't use that many pellets. also my generator loves the fec as after start up it only draws 50 watts and until i can get my electrican to balance the load between the 2 legs this is important as both the freezer and reefer are on same leg so i have to be really careful on start up not to overdraw.
hope this answered your question
2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!
oops one other thing.
the only mistake i made in my trailer was;
a) not having a liquidated damage clause in my contract with the trailer manufacturer
b) getting a/c. what a waste. when serving windows are up door is open and hood running an a/c is silly. if i had it to do again i would do what chateaubeyound is thinking about and just have an exhaust fan up there. by the way chateau when ya gonna send specs on that one Razzer
ps .. if you want to see what fun this can be just go to professionals onlty and find the topic "took the plunge friday" what a hoot Big Grin
I don't feel "hauling pellets" is a hinderence. I went with the FE over the Southern Pride type so I wouldn't have to refill & haul 100# propane cylinders [how full are these things?]. My old smoker burned stick wood.

I am not familiar with the electric jobs, but wouldn't they pull alot of electricity?

I refill my own cylinders and I feel the FE is still cheaper to operate than a gas unit would be. I contracted my LP at $1.07 which is way up as you know, but my pellets cost haven't gone up.

As Nike said, "Just Do It".

Jack,about that A/C.

You may not run it all the time ,as you said.

Screens and fans can work when serving.

The real pleasure you may find around here is prep work and comps.

I know from helping drbbq,when the heat index is 105� and you are on site for three days without much sleep,that cool is a real personal energy boost.

Just my personal experiences.
a liquidated damage clause is pretty important and i don't know why i failed to do it.
simply put it states that deleivery shall occur on a specific date. if that date is not met then the manufacturer has to pay you the amount of money you specified in the contract per day. it would have killed off our delay or if it didnt as late as my trailer was they would have had to pay me!!! and that is why i am still kicking myself over forgetting to do it lol
I kind of thought it might have something to do with that.

Look at it this way. If you had included such a clause, you'd be so rich now you would likely just give up BBQ and retire to an island somewhere. Truly, your patience was an example for us all to follow. I don't know how you did it.

I agree with Tom. I'm sure you still remember serving on the hot line in restaurants. It sure is a treat after you've broiled yourself to go into that walk-in to cool down. I think the A/C will come in handy in the long run.


P.S. Won't you be needing to change your "prisonchef" forum name soon as you begin your true calling?
not so sure on the a/c still.
did a practice competition run up last saturday. temp here was around 90 and no shade. with screen door open and both line windows up it was still pretty cool compared to the kitchens and lines i've worked in. but i still will wait until next august to make a final decision on the worth of the a/c.
both the fec and sm are so well insulated that they give off very little heat compared to a 6 burner vulcan stove with the very nice 45,000 btu heads.
ps would change the nickname but somehow i like it lol
Jack,Minneola sits at the bottom of a dry lake/sink hole.

It is like an old quarry,dug straight down.

It is in statistically the hottest point in FL.

Last year it had been over 105� for several days.

The last tree was back on the mountain.

There is no way to get a breeze on the sand.

All the teams bought hose misters,like ballteams use.You use fans to blow the water on you.

I've also done long shifts on a 6 burner and then went home to recover.

The 3rd day will test your fond memories of the hot line.

Let's hope we get a cold snap[90's] this year.LOL

See ya there.
I think the AC might be welcome at the end of the day, too. I guess we'll be sleeping in the trailer.
I like the SM150 because I am like an untrained person in the kitchen and it's very easy to operate. Turns out a good product, too. And it doesn't use much wood for smoke either. The electrical draw is supposed to be higher.
Jack likes the FE because he likes to fiddle with things more than I do. He didn't use many pellets and turned out enough great food for us to eat all week, me to share with my coworkers, and still have some in the refrigerator. And the chicken skins weren't rubbery at all.
I like us having both models, it keeps us both happy. And the SM150 isn't limited to butts, ribs, and shoulders. It also keeps a great holding temp. I haven't tried cooking in it without smoke yet. I'm saving that for when I get real good! But you don't have to use the wood. I think it'll work like a regular oven also.
Personally, propane gives my stomach a fit. I get a bad case of heartburn from it.
Hope some of my jabber helped ya!
from what you are saying i surmize that that the heat and humidity will take the starch out of my whites. after my towing lesson today that won't be anything!!!!!!!! Razzer . hope to meet everyone down there and you can check to see if the a/c is on lol.
peg mailed out forms today and we entered all 4 categories. what the heck if ya gonna lose lose big!!!!

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