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I am also new .. to Cookshack .. just a few weeks into this hobby .. have used offset � Brinkman � etc etc and never seemed to get it right

There is something about �setting it and forgetting it� which seems to be a key with the CookShack smokers ..

Putting things in .. following instructions and letting it do its thing is a sweet thing .. and the finished product is PERFECT

Also this forum is very very helpful with newbies .. which helps a lot no guessing .. on what or how to do ..

I would not hesitate to tell you to BUY ONE NOW you won�t forget it ..
In my opinion if you like this type of food and who could not like it this would be the best unit you could get. I have used offsets, water smokers, and finally i bought a Smokette. From the first time i used it everything i smoke comes out great from Butts the brisket to ribs and even jerky.
Ok. I am convinced. I will try it. I have spent a great deal of time studying the forum here. I love it. I am impressed at the excitement of the users.

I have been smokin' cue for a long time. I too started with a water smoker and the graduated to a offset. Never been satisfied.

Fan--you mentioned "if you like this type of food". Yeah, I do, I would take it with a needle if I could!

I'll let you know how it comes out! Thanks for the endorsements.
You say, "spent many years with a smoker with offset firebox" and "I have been smokin' cue for a long time. I too started with a water smoker and the graduated to a offset. Never been satisfied." What is it then that you're not satisfied about, and why do you think a Cookshack might satisfy you?

I started smoking with a Cookshack and it seems to work for me. Just curious why I might not be satisfied -based on what you've experienced - if I decide to move to an offset.
I don't own a cookshack yet, so I can't say anything about results (give me a little time though). However, if you already own one, and you are making good 'cue, why would you want to abandon it and go for an offset?

Regarding an offset, let me refer you to a great discussion on the subject at the following site:

Bottom line for me: its really a big hassle so I don't do it as often as I would like. It is a lot of work with uneven results. If you are in it for the 'cue and believe the cookshack seems to work for you, stay where you are, sit back, have another beer. If you are in it for the "pagentry", get an offset.
It's interesting you should ask...

if you already own one [Cookshack], and you are making good 'cue, why would you want to abandon it and go for an offset?

I know I would never abandon my Cookshack! But I have to admit, I just ordered a WSM to add to my arsenal! I have made everything in my Cookshack and will continue to use it on a regular basis. It's absolutely awesome!!! I knew nothing about smoking before I bought my Cookshack, and not to brag, but virtually everything that came out of my Smokette has been great! I use it at least once a week.

If you are looking for more of challenge or just too darn curious for your own good (like me) you might try other equipment just for fun. Perhaps if I ruined something in my Cookshack just once I'd be cured Big Grin

Sounds like your already sold on C.S. so enjoy!! You won't regret it.
My cookshack has paid for itself many times first I was convinced the BBQ tasted "different"...etc...
Now, I smoke chickens every Sunday as a part of my them throughout the week...and give them to friends...people love um....
If I moved to another country I would important a cookshack...
Quality smoked food, 365 days a year with zero effort...

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