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I currently own a Traeger Lil Tex and would really like to get something that is bigger and can do a great job on ribs, pork butt and chicken. I am considering getting the Cookshack SM045 electric smoker and keeping the Traeger as well for burgers, steaks and hot dogs.

Coming from a pellet cooker, will I be happy with the way the SM045 smokes meat? What about chicken skin, can it get hot enough to get the skin crispy?

Anyone out there move from a pellet grill over to one of the electric smokers? If so I would love to hear our thoughts.

Thanks in advance!

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Originally posted by minatophase3:
I currently own a Traeger Lil Tex and would really like to get something that is bigger and can do a great job on ribs, pork butt and chicken. I am considering getting the Cookshack SM045 electric smoker and keeping the Traeger as well for burgers, steaks and hot dogs.

Coming from a pellet cooker, will I be happy with the way the SM045 smokes meat? What about chicken skin, can it get hot enough to get the skin crispy?

Anyone out there move from a pellet grill over to one of the electric smokers? If so I would love to hear our thoughts.

Thanks in advance!



I have both a Treager and a Cookshack SM040 which is the same size only not all Stainless Steel and doesn't have the meat probe. I love my SM040 and the ribs, pulled pork and briskets. You will also notice that the Cookshack's meat is a lot more moist than your cooks on the Treager as the cookshack doesn't dry out what it is cooking. Not to mention the ease of doing a long cook, just set it and forget it, until you reach the internal meat temp and begin testing for doneness.

I get great flavor with chicken and turkey (especially with the brine recepies) however you will find that the skin isn't crispy due to not having the high heat. One alternative is to cook the chicken in the cookshack and then 'crisp' up the skin over higher heat in your Traeger (or other grill/oven).

Yes you will be very happy with the smoke flavor you get and will be able to use different woods to generate the flavor you enjoy (mixing pecan/hickory or pecan/apple in the same smoke). What you will find with the SM045 is that you use a whole lot less wood since the wood only produces smoke and isn't used for heating. In fact if you aren't carefull you can oversmoke your meats. I typically use from 3 1/2 to 5 ounces of wood when smoking pork butts or briskets.

I love the Cookshack and in fact am in the process of trying to sell my Treager. (My wife bought me a Big Green Egg for our anniversary and I love it over the Treager.)

You can PM me if you have other questions you would like to ask or just ask here.

Last edited by Former Member
Thanks for the replies everyone! I believe I have made up my mind that a Cookshack smoker will be my next purchase! I am having a hard time justifying the cost difference between the 025 and 045. I have enough in my budget for the 045 and know that is what I should get but it seems to be a lot of money for a little more space.

Can someone tell me how many pork butts will fit ont he 045 or 025? Can I get 2 on each rack?

Thanks MaxQue and cal, that helps quite a bit.

One other question, how hot does the outside of the smoker get? Reason I ask is that I saw somewhere on the internet that someone put their Cookshack smoker inside one of those rubbermaid type cabinets and added some vents. I have an uncovered deck and am trying to find ways to get the smoker out of the weather so I can use it more (it rains a lot here in Seattle)and that looked like a neat idea, provided the smoker doesn't get too warm.
Originally posted by minatophase3:
Thanks for the replies everyone! I believe I have made up my mind that a Cookshack smoker will be my next purchase! I am having a hard time justifying the cost difference between the 025 and 045. I have enough in my budget for the 045 and know that is what I should get but it seems to be a lot of money for a little more space.

Can someone tell me how many pork butts will fit ont he 045 or 025? Can I get 2 on each rack?


One difference is the size of the shelves. Check the specs and you will see the 025 has 14"x14" shelves while the 045 has 14" x 18"shelves. While the shelves are only 4" wider they make a big difference when doing ribs and packer briskets. I have put two 10 pound pork picnics on a shelf. A full packer brisket will lay flat in the 045 while it may have to be folded to fit in the 025.

Also part of the cost difference is the meat probe in the 045 and the added functionality in the controller. I have an 040 and I love the flexibility I get from the shelf size.

Originally posted by minatophase3:
Thanks MaxQue and cal, that helps quite a bit.

One other question, how hot does the outside of the smoker get? Reason I ask is that I saw somewhere on the internet that someone put their Cookshack smoker inside one of those rubbermaid type cabinets and added some vents. I have an uncovered deck and am trying to find ways to get the smoker out of the weather so I can use it more (it rains a lot here in Seattle)and that looked like a neat idea, provided the smoker doesn't get too warm.

You cam hold your hand on the outside of the smoker when it is in operation. They are that well insulated.

Another thing that may be different between the 025 and 045 is the size of the heating element. I believe one is 500 watts and the other is 750 watts. Check to be sure.

Originally posted by Qnorth:
One difference is the size of the shelves. Check the specs and you will see the 025 has 14"x14" shelves while the 045 has 14" x 18"shelves.

Correction on this. Both the 025 and the 045 have the same 14x18 shelves.

The 025 specs

Cal was correct when he said I was confusing the 025 with an 009. Sorry for the miss information.

I too was agonizing over paying the difference from the 025 to 045 (settled on a closeout 040 model) but in the end decided it was best to have the extra shelf though I have yet to use it, but do like having the option.


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