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My new FEC100 was delivered about 1 month ago and I've used it only once (just been using my other FEC since I didn't need the additional capacity until today). It woked fine on the first smoke. Today I went to fire it up and the control display lit up as ususal and started blinking "Set Cook Temp". As I attempted to set the temp/time/hold temp nothing would adjust. It's acting like I'm not even pushing on the buttons. I was pushing hard enough so that's not the issue.

I will say that after my first cook I did recieve a replacement firepot from CS and have since replaced it. That process we very straight forward. I did have to detach the ignitor from the original firepot in order to install the new pot but that also went just fine.

Any suggestions on what might be going on? I will be contacting CS Monday morning, but I wanted to see if any forum members had any idea? Thanks
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It could very easily be the tactile keypad. I had about 500 Handheld bingo units in a place I managed in the 90's with the same type of keypad as on the FEC. some worked flawlessly some for no reasom would not repoond.

It may not even be the button you are pressing. it could be one of the other less used buttons that has collapsed or drawn moisture is grounding out and causing the problem.

My first reaction was weather and I have had to reboot (onn/Off) my FEC a couple times and wait about 30 seconds for the software to load and intitalize before the buttons to respond.

Outside of that, Its a service replacement issue I would guess
Glad to see this thread!!!Got the same issue with m FEC100. It's Been frustrating and embarrassing a few times... Buttons won't work, then after 10 mins or so of trying it'll work....It's not even really COLD here yet. It's happened with temps in the 60's... .Glad to see there is an issue being addressed. Guess I'll call Cookshack for resolve.
Called Cookshack and they're sending me a new board. The "hair dryer" trick was suggested though. As unacceptable as that is i would have done it cause I couldn't get it to start for about an hour. Then I warmed a wringed out wet dish rag hot in the micro and placed it folded up and gently placed over the key pad for a minute and worked. I was advised that they're working on a new control board but the revision is not in it's final stage for producion (this is what I understood form the discussion). I'm happy that a new board is on the way (next Day!)...Good customer service as far as I'm concerned. Now that I read you're still having probs. I'll be keeping up-to-date on the revised board in hopes that they'll exchange if I have probs with this one too. Hope not though.
I recieved my replacement board. I have to ship the original one back (return sticker was included). I got it the next day as promised. Swapping it out was not a problem. It was identical to the original....

Upon inspecting the old one; I think I see what the problem was. The problem is not the panel...and I don't think it is the board..but the spacers (six of them) attached to the board that elevate the board and allows the underside of the panel/membrane to "just touch" the mechanical switches/buttons on the board; they are just a little too long. The heating up the panel(hairdryer) trick probably makes the panel pliable enough to make better/deeper contact when pressing it.

If the panels buttons were "rubberized" they would work better. OR ( I am not advocating doing this)..filing down the spacers about 1/32nd to 1/16th may allow better contact with the switches underneath the panel CAUTION: there are tolerances with respect to doing that and filing down too much could have all the buttons activated simultaneously!!...So don't do it!!! I'd call cookshack.

Anyway, The exterior Panel itself is tight and the control points (i.e temp, on, etc) are not flexible enough to push the switches down good. ON my microwave the panel has "raised" buttons. This makes for better contact on the boards switches. A raised button control panel would call for a revision to the control boards activator switches; but an adjustment to the spacers is a more economical way of possibly remedying the problem...

I would imagine that some reported units are barely getting the contact needed to work good.
I can see where warming the panel with some mild heat will get the panel flexible enough to push the switches down far enough. But in some cases maybe not. Cold temps could make the control panel in its current config problematic...Either way Seems like an easy fix. And as I said earlier, Cookshacks working on it.
Last edited by Former Member
I have had ongoing problems with my AQ. CS is excellent but for the cost of these units, CS needs to do a much better on the initial design and testing of parts and units.It seems sometimes CS has the Microsoft Windows problem. Getting new product out to quickly with lots of rework after initial release. Customers shouldn't have to go through all the hassles of taking apart inits and replacing components. I know CS isn't a huge company but field repair should be offered on their units.

Given all of this, CK still is an excellent company.

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