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I need HELP! I am opening a new BBQ restaurant that will initally seat 60 people and latter seat up to 115. What model would you recommend and why. Most of the restaurants around here use Southern Pride cookers. I don't know of any that use Cookshack or Fast Eddy's. So I guess I'm asking for somone to tell me why I shouldn't buy a Southern Pride. Any help Would be greatly appreciated!
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Simple answer?

Ask any owner, they're gonna prefer what they have. We'll be a little biased here, but the those of us in the forum don't make any money on selling you one over the other.

You want gas or wood? Most people who have a SP, don't use it for 100% wood, many don't use any wood at all, they just turn on the gas and go. A few will throw a log in for flavor, but very few run it on wood only.

THe FE is 100% wood, the results show it for many people. The SP is a good unit, they sell a lot, but people who CAN taste a difference will taste the difference. Problem is so many people bath the food in sauce, you never taste any smoke anyway.

How much and why kind of BBQ are you selling, that might help the selection.
My restaurant has a limited amount of BBQ on the menu...usually babybacks, pulled pork or brisket. Having used a CS150 for 9 years I was impressed with the consistency and performance of the 150. Two years ago I switched up to the FEC100.

I love the ability to smoke large meats overnight and not have to babysit them. The insulated smoke box retains moisture and yields are great. I've never cooked with a SP before so comparing the two isn't possible. I do like the fact that I don't require a wood pile outside. Pellets with shipping, cost me $1 @ lb. (one hour smoke time) I can switch out hickory, mesquite, cherry and even peach pellets on demand. Try doing that with logs.

Most of all, the quality of the worksmanship and product support are top notch.

Whichever way you decide to go, calculate your cooking capacity predicated on 115 seats.

Good luck and let us know what your decision is and what lead you to it.
Lile Max says.
I have a CS 160 and a couple FECs.

The FEC can add some flexibility,if needed.The CS may work better for a holding unit.

If you are the only cook,it doesn't make too much difference in learning curve in the three.

If others may sometimes cook,I could teach a min wage worker to be competent over a cellphone on the CS 150/160.
I should have read more of the forum before I posted my question. I thank those people that did respond.

After spending hours reading the forum, reading the pellethead forum, and speaking to the FE saleperson, I just ordered the FEC 100. My thinking is that I will start (and learn)with one and , hopefully, when the need arises, I will buy another one or possibly a larger unit.

Thanks again. Opening in January!
We use a FEC-500 in our place and I have really enjoyed the results.

If you are going to do only BBQ, I would be concerned with the 100 having enough capacity.

We compete with the 100 and i like the cooker. That said, I like the 500 more.

We only have 34 chairs, but with catering and such I often have the cooker pretty full. What ever your choice, I know you will enjoy the results and so will your customers.

my joint seats 70+- and i use an FEC500 on a trailer. i used it everyday for 159 days and it worked perfectly [ except when the belt broke....easy fix]. i did brisk and butts over night and ribs, chicken, and sausage in the am. i did not need two smokers an FEC is all you need.imo. atleast it works for me. it is so easy to use.......and one tough unit! [ i hit a deer with it!] lolol. good luck bro.

jeff heaton, "The Smoque Shack BBQ".........Lake City, Colorado.
I want to thank everyone for there input. I have been doing my homework for three months. I am fortunate that I have 2 friends that have very successful BBQ restaurants in my home town and they have really helped me put together, hopefully, a really good business plan. My new restaurant is only 15 to 20 miles from theirs but, mine will be on top of a mountain (where I live) and once people come home from work, they don't want to drive back down the mountain to get some BBQ. I am actually buying a restaurant that did a BOOMING business for 20 years. The owner died and they have been closed for 2 years. I have run the numbers and feel very confident that I will be opening the other half of the building within 6 mos.. I canceled my order for the FEC100 and are convinced that I need a FEC300 or 500 to start out with. Seating of 55, I am projecting 977 covers/wk not including take out or cattering. which unit would you recommend starting with? I have seen the old restaurant numbers and think these are conservative.

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