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The industry term to look for would be "co-packer"

Maybe someone will jump in and get you a specific answer.

Go to google, do a search on "co-packer" and you'll find lots of information, and maybe you can find someone in your area.

You might also go to BBQSearch forum and check, as that topics come up there a few times. But they're not as friendly as we are.

There is an excellent custom bottler in Waldenburg, Arkansas. I visited his operation in May and was very impressed.

Woody Wood

His sauce and dry rubs have won a number of awards and he's built a plant to help others bottle their sauce and rub.

I initially met him at an NBBQA convention in Florida. He also operates a barbecue "restaurant." He and his wife sell barbecue three days a week from an RV parked at a four-way stop on a two-land highway. Quite unconventional... excellent food.

I spent an afternoon in the plant and watched the entire process. Quite impressive. He will help you avoid many mistakes and headaches.

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