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Better is subjective.

More than a few butchers buy their meat from Costco or the regional Food suppliers, cut it out of a cryovac and serve it.

Know thy source.

I personally think just knowing which company and brand will help you on the ribs. If the butcher can't tell you, you don't know what you're getting.

Like I always say, try an experiment.

Get some from both and smoke them. The real definition of which is better is always your taste buds. How you cook them, rub, sauce, etc all plays into the final product.

But you comment makes me laugh.

Are the 6.95 a lb spare ribs at Whole Foods better? I'd bet 90% that they're not. I can't imagine they're fresh, shipped in that day and in some way better than justifies the price. Next time I'm in there I'll ask.

But double the price?

I might buy berkshire or a heritage breed for a higher price. But for me the ribs I get at Sam's were good enough to win contests, they're good enough to eat.
Last edited by Former Member
SAM's IBP are better than Costco Swift IMHO. When you buy them dig deep to get the coldest ones. I've gotten rancid ribs twice from Costco likely due to the open coolers. I took back the price label and they refunded no question but it messed up my menu. Open them up before all the stores close in case you need a plan B.

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