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My new FEC100 arrived yesterday, minus a door handle. I called to see about getting a replacement door and was told that they no longer put a door handle on the unit. I find that kind of odd considering the door handle is what we all grab to press the door closed to seal the top latch. Now I gotta press my rub covered hand flat against the shiny stainless steel door to get the top latch to seal. I'm just disappointed I guess. Plus I'm going to have to drill holes in the door of a $4000 smoker to put a handle on it. Warranty voided?


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I'll have to call back to see what it'll do to my warranty when I drill two holes in the door. I waited all this time to buy one, finally do it, and something as stupid as the door handle is gone. I just thought it was an oversight and they'd make it write. "We no longer put a HANDLE on the DOOR" just wasn't the response I was expecting. Still just fuming about it. I have two briskets, two chickens, and two slabs of ribs ready to go into the smoker tonight. I'll take some pictures of what the door looks like after opening and closing it with a rub covered hand for one cook. In todays world of lawyers and negligence, I just don't think it's wise to willfully remove the handle on a 300 degree oven door. I design tillage equipment for a living, and we have to put 100 safety stickers on a piece of equipment to protect ourselves from that one person that puts their hand in folding pivot point of a disc while it's being folded.
Well, that seems kind of silly, and a poorly thought out business decision.

I would assume that they have some leftover handles and could send you one with guidance on proper installation so as not to void the warranty.

Also, if it were me, I would strongly remind them that the item you received was not the advertised item you ordered and paid for. On the products section of the CS web site a couple minutes ago, the FEC100 advertised for sale had a handle.

Good luck.
I thought the exact same thing. I ordered the smoker from Dave there at the factory. I emailed him this morning to tell him about the handle, and got no response. So I called the factory and they connected me with "technical support" for some reason, who I left a message with. I still didn't hear anything, so I pulled up the company directory on the webpage and email Tony the customer service manager. He finally called me back, and he's the one that told me they no longer put them on because they find them unnecessary. I asked him if I could still get one to put on myself, and he told me to go to a hardware store and pick up a handle, drill some holes in the door, and put it on if I really wanted a handle. I took the Cookshack Competition class a couple years ago, and met Stuart and everyone there, and their customer service and going the extra mile is what really sold me on Cookshack. The thing with adding a hardware store handle is that you're drilling a hole through the insulated door. The handles that they USED TO PUT ON the FEC100 had a nut welded to the inside of the outer door skin, so there wasn't a hole on the inside of the door. I'm probably the one FEC owner ever to say that I'm just really disappointed.
This is a "reverse" model. I ordered it that way so that when my buddy and I cook, we can put his FEC100 and mine together and the doors will open out like french doors (if there was a handle on mine). That layout also works better for where it'll be sitting on my patio when it's cooking so that my patio lighting will shine into the smoker as opposed to the door blocking the light if it was the other way. Becasue it's a somewhat special build, I just "assumed" that they forgot to put the door handle on it when it was built.
I'm with you guys, I use the handle all the time for closing the door to latch it as well as for when I move it around. I can't imagine not having a handle on the door! I'm really disappointed they chose to cut corners on such an expensive oven. I sure hope they offer a fix for yours and rethink omitting it.
In the mean time I would put a suction cup type of handle on it and maybe if Cookshack doesn't send you a handle, consider using epoxy rather than drill all the way thru the door.

I think the existing handle on mine are riveted to the outside layer so you could just penetrate the face sheet and not have to drill all the way thru the door to attach a handle.

I rarely use mine except to tie a bungee cord to so the door will stay open while I load it.

It always pops open when unlatched and I use the back of my hand to push it closed enough for the latch to come across and finish the close.

I still would soon have a handle.
I just got word from CS that they are going to send me a handle and the necesary hardware. They are going to be putting the handles back on the 100 now. I guess the decision was made to leave them off because the 120 doesn't have handles. I'm guessing that I'll still have to drill two holes in the door, but I'll find out when I get the stuff from CS.
Nordy, when the smoker is hot and you pop the latches open, how do you open the door without pulling on the handle? You only have the latch standards or that inch or so edge of the door to pull the door open with.

Has anyone tried to put those slam latches on their 100 like the bigger sizes have? I asked some of the CS guys about doing that when I was down in Ponca for the comp class a couple years ago.
Good question... I dunno... it just opens... I'll pay more attention to what I do next cook...

BUT... usually if I'm getting into a hot smoker... I've got cotton gloves on covered with latex or nitrile glvoes... so heat isn't much of an issue... But when I'm just temping or something, who knows I guess I just let it open on it's own and bump the edge a bit. I know I don't use the handle, because I've considered removing mine... due to them interfering with where I want to put my straps to secure it to my trailer...

Pits are loaded in the trailer now... but not cooking for a couple of weeks or I'd go figure out my secret door opening technique right now...

Heck.. .maybe the bungee cords hooked to the handle to hold it open are pulling it open... crap... I guess you might need a handle... Roll Eyes
Had the FEC100 never been designed to include a door handle, I'm sure we'd all manage without one.

The fact that it was re-tooled without one is likely the result of avoiding a price increase. Fair enough.

Kudos to Cookshack for re-thinking the handle omission and coming to the aide of a miffed customer. Yet another example of what makes this company great.
Yes but it's also about their passion for the products they build and sell, and spreading the BBQ gospel.

I remember when most American companies built quality products and stood behind them 100%. Now it's all smoke & mirrors and cheap overseas parts.

I can count very few companies that have a live voice on the other end of the phone, and prioritise the customer as the reason for their existance.
Glad to hear CS reversed their decision on this mod. I rely on my door handle with every cook. Can't imagine why they would leave this off. The FEC100 is such a great smoker, I would say, don't mess with a great design.....all it is going to do is make customers ask why their model has XX and mine has XX, not good for marketing.......unless the handle was causing a technical issue.......just saying.......
I have the handle that CS sent me, but I haven't gotten around to put it on yet. I'm planning on using the largest stainless steel sheetmetal screw that I can find where the shank of the screw will pass through the holes on the handle. Hopefully that will provide enough grip to only go thru the outside skin of the door and not penetrate the inside skin.
Just did this "mod" to my FEC120 about 3 weeks back. No problems with warranty unless you puncture the inner skin. I also added what I call a "pull bar" on mine. Standard 18" assistance grab bar bought at Home Depot and attached above the firebox door. My FEC120 makes lots of trips away from home and the loading/unloading is *much* easier.

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