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Hello to you all in the USA,

My name is Titus Degener and I need some help. I live in Europe (Vreden Germany only 2 miles from the dutch boarder). First of all I should aopolgize for my bad english. I stayed in the USA for 1 month (at the family FUNK in Bethany Conneticut, it was great) but that is 20 years ago. Since then I did not practice my english that much.

Now to my qustion. My parents livesd in the USA for 7 yeras (before I was born). During that time my father became a real Grill and smoker entousiastic. He has been talking about it ever since. Now he is retiring and I would like to give him a good grill or smoker as a gift (it has be charcoal)

The only company I can find in Germany is Weber. What I am looking for is something like the Weber one touch silver / gold or Weber Smokey mountain cooker. Are there other brands that produce good stuff like this?

Maybe, if it is a real good pruct for a good price I can Import more of them, but first of all I need some of your ideas.

I want to thank you all for helping me, already now. My emailaccount is:

Kind Regards
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Both Webers you mentioned are excellent products but each is different and serves a different purpose. The One Touch is a charcoal grill (I have one that is over 20 years old and is still going strong). If you have a good source for charcoal, it is a good choice for a grill. The Weber Smoky Mountain is primarily a smoker, uses charcoal or a combination of charcoal and wood for a heat and smoke source. There are a number of forum members that use them with good results.

You posted your question on a Cookshack forum so expect answers accordingly.
The WSM is for smoking. The Weber One-Touch Gold is great for grilling over direct fire, and for low-and-slow barbecue, done with small fires on the sides of the kettle. If he wants to use charcoal, and wants to grill AND bbq, get the Kettle. If he wants just bbq, and doesn't want to mess with the fire, get the Cookshack 008. Let us know what you do!
Hi, Grimwald,

Please forgive me if you already know this information:

Grills sear meats at a high temperature and the food cooks quickly. They are generally fueled by gas or charcoal. The practice of doing this is called grilling.

A smoker cooks meat at a low temperature for a long period of time. This keeps the moisture in the meat and the resulting product is exceptionally tender and juicy. Food prepared this way is traditional American barbecue.

You want to find a smoker that has good temperature control, unless your Dad wants to stand outside in the cold adjusting the amount of wood as the food cooks. :-)

I would recommend a Cookshack Smokette, Series 50, or AmeriQue smoker. These range in price from USD465 to USD1,495. If you want something larger, go with the Fast Eddy's by Cookshack Model FEC100, which is around USD3,000.

You can find details about all thes smokers at
If you have specific questions, come back to the forum and ask the people who use them. They will be glad to tell you of their experiences.


Donna Johnson, VP
Cookshack, Inc.

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