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Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum & to the FEC. I just bought a used FEC 100 that came with a meat probe. I fired her up for the first cook the other day on about 12 butts. When I set the mode to Probe & set all the temps, plugged the probe into the IQ4 Controller, & then plugged the meat end of the probe into the middle of one of my butts, the temperature reading was all over the place. It jumped from 55 degrees to 180 degrees back & forth. I let it do this for several minutes & it did not seem to settle in. It worried me to the point that I ended up just taking it out & not using it b/c I was afraid that it would spike to the set meat temp & go into hold mode way too soon. Anyone else had this issue? Should I have given it more time to settle in? Any insight would be great appreciated.
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