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My fec arrived yesterday. I have shipped many items over the years so I was more than a little concerned. Terri had assured me that partitioned shipment was safe. After cutting two metal seals each of which was just a little bit bigger than 1/4" and removing the wall, there was my new cooker. The guy that unloaded it was in awe. "We're going to put that on a porch trailer!" "Wow" After making some final measurements drawings were completed and Monday construction will begin in earnest. For anyone that is thinking about through the wall installation in the future tsalk to Cookshack about the power cord penetration on the cabinet. Moving it about 3" toward the rear on assemble will make fitting into the divider wall easier. As construction progresses will try to post some pics.
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We may not be fast but at least we are slow! We mounted the FEC into the trailer Saturday. Didn't go exactly as planned. The opening in the wall was built with 1/4" clearance in all directions. In a perfect world this would have been fine. The world aint perfect!! With 10' the fork extensions needed to set the cooker into the trailer the side shift would not work so had to lined up just right to fit. The area to the right is a SS clad fire wall under my hood.


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