I am doing pulled pork for 100 people. After pouring through these forums, it looks like I will need about 16 4-4.5 pork should butt roasts(that is what is readily available and I like the smaller roasts because of the extra rub and bark). I can do about 8 of these at one time. On site I have one regular residential oven and two gas grills that can be used as a warming oven, if the space is required.
My game plan is to smoke half of the butts the day before, foil them and place them immediately in the refrigerator. On the day of the event, I plan to cook the remaining 8 small butts. FTC them for a couple of hours, etc. It seems the preferred method to reheat the first batch is to do them whole, wrapped in a low temp oven 220-225 until they get back up to around 160 internal temp. I would guess this would take about two hours??? Once they are at this temp, would it be desirable to lower the oven temp to hold them at 160 and then pull them as needed on the serving line.
Does this timeline look reasonable? I am also doing the usual cole slaw,etc but also a chicken and sausage jambalaya (my area of expertise <G>.
Any thoughts from the ones that do this all the time?
Thanks in advance.
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