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After 2 months of cooking on my PG1000 without a hitch, I'm cooking a couple of meatloaves (meatloafs?) and go to check the temp... and no fire, just a pot full of pellets.

Was cooking at 235 LHT 10 HHT 35. Never had any problem with these settings before. Plenty of pellets in the hopper.

I cleared the pot and restarted without any problems. I guess I need to set the low temp alarm on the Maverick now.

Any thoughts on cause?


EDIT - After further review... The dishwasher , washer, and dryer were all running.... Maybe a power issue??

EDIT#2 - FE responded on another board and suggested that LHT 10 was likely just running the fire too lean, he suggested LHT 15. Will give it a try. Regardless the meatloaf was really good. Will post details and pics later.

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