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depending on the diameter of the sausage...

I would, and do use a remote probe meat

thermometer and run the probe through the top or

the bottom of the smoker your choice, if you use

the bottom be mindful of the element and route

well away from it.

When I smoke sauage I usually put between 15 and

25 pounds on rods that I made out of aluminum

bought at Lowes. They strech all the way across

the 009 and have a 90 degree bend on each end,

that makes them stay in the shelf holders

extremly well.(kinda like three sides of a

rectangle). The sausage is hung and a

thermometer probe inserted into one of the

links, somewhere in the middle of all the

hanging links of sausage. I usually keep the

suasage an inch or three above and away from the

smoke box. I then smoke at 200 with 3 to 4 oz of

favorite wood, apple hickory or mesquite is my

choices, some times pecan, until I reach 165

degrees internal temperature on the link I am

measuring, and hold it there for 15 minutes.

Afterwards I remove all the sausage place in a

large contianer(s) and cold shower the sausage

with cold water to reduce the temperature so as

to stop the cooking process, then refridgerate

overnightand vac-pac for the freezer. The cook

time varies from 2 to 3 hours for me, my

objective it to make heat and serve sausage

100 percent cooked, so all we have to do is go

from the deep freeze to the microwave to the

table.. Big Grin
Thanks for the reply....I usually would like to "cold smoke" the sausage and later boil as needed.

I have done this in the past with with a small "Outers Smoker" and it worked well.

As for the internal temp I am not concerned at this point.

I guess that later on I may invest in the Cold Smoke baffle, but can't justify it at this time since I have not yet received the smoker yet.


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