You'll find a LOT of testimonials in this forum about the CS. In about 5 years, I've only heard of 3 people returning their CS. Returned? Yes, CS is the only smoker out there with a money back guarantee. They want you to be happy with your purchase. If not, return it. Now, that doesn't apply to forever, but feel free to call CS for details.
In your first post you mentioned:
Can it produce smoke flaver all the way through a boston butt.
Nothing can do that. The butt is so big, it will only penetrate a small distance, not the whole way. The smoke flavor can only penetrate so far in the meat. The depth is a function of many factors, but the most important two are temps of the meat at start and when it hits 140. The theory most believe is that when meat hits 140, the fibers of the meat can no longer all smoke to penetrate. Starting with a colder meat may allow the meat to absorb smoke longer, but not all the way through. But smoke will continue to enhance the outside...in the bark.
That's why there is cold smoking. To help the meat penetrate further.
or so goes another theory