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Hi Rick, welcome to the forum. The weather doesn't effect the CS except for rain or snow when you need to protect the electronics. These things do put out a lot of smoke. I don't think I would want one in an enclosed porch. As far as the shed goes do you have power in the shed. You want to avoid extension cords if possible.
Rick, You should be all set with the shed. These CS's are very well insulated. They never got hot to touch on the outside. I would go ahead and place the order. You will be happy with whatever model you choose. Once you place your order, read as much as you can on this forum while you wait. We are all here to help.
Hi Rick,

I live in Kansas City, MO and built a small shed to put my CS008 in. It is only a little bit bigger than the CS and I put a hole in the top with a galvanized pipe elbow for the smoke to escape. I cook with the CS right in the shed year round regardless of the weather. since the CS is so well insulated it is not a problem being enclosed. I talked to a guy at our local Cabelas and he keeps his in a large Rubbermaid tub even when cooking. If I had to do it again I would make the shed taller so that my CS was higher off of the ground and I didn't have to bend over so much.
Unfortunately, I didn't keep the url here on the forum.. but, about two years ago someone built a beautiful "shed" for his 008/009. I believe it was made of cedar. It was big enough to hold the smoker and stand as I recall with some shelves for t he other necessary "stuff".

If anyone remembers it and has the location, I'd like to see it again.

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