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I got my smoker last February and the door was leaking smoke pretty bad especially when it was windy. I contacted Tony Marlar at CS and he offered to replace it. I told him I would wait to see if it sealed and after about 9 months it didn't get any better. I contacted Tony and arranged for a replacement. He said he would have UPS come and get it and I told him I would ship it and pay for the shipping because I had used it for 9 months and the service was so good. It's my way of giving back to CS I guess for the great customer service and fun smoker they produce. I have my new smoker and the temp swing is better but the door leaks a litte. I'll live with it for I'm having good results.

Gotta have a cookshack. Big Grin

Cool Iowa Man
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I don't get much leakage out of my door, almost none.

I might get a wisp or two of smoke every now and then.

P.S., if a company will take back a product after nine months of use while you are deciding if it is defective or not, that's pretty tolerant customer service, wouldn't you agree?

Good luck with your new unit. I see you noticed it leaking as well... hopefully in nine months it still meets your expectations.
Reply to Mark.

I was new to smoking and my cookshack smoker. I called Tony at cookshack to ask him about it. He offered to replace it. I thought I would wait to see if it sealed. In the mean time the thermostate quit working and it stayed on while I had it in the off position. I called Tony and he wanted it back. SINCE,,,,, Razzer I had used it I offered to pay the shipping which he was willing to pay. I paid $50.09 to ship it back.

My smoker leaked pretty bad which,,,,,Tony said was not normal. Besides, Cookshack offers a 1 year warranty.

This post was initially meant to be a Thank You to cookshack and Tony, not for someone with a chip on their shoulder to make snide replys about. Wink Eeker

Us Iowa boys are bred big to handle the amimals we raise. I just wonder if your comments would be the same it we stood face to face.

Cool Sharing the Love

Iowa Man
Sorry, I didn't mean any offense by what I said. I was just reacting to what I read.

I'm happy they set you up with a new unit. Hopefully it'll do the trick.

Although it might seem like I have a chip on my shoulder, I actually harbor no ill will towards you or anyone else. I certainly didn't mean to insult you, if I did, I apologize.

Hope you enjoy your cooker!


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