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I have been researching pellet grills & so far I have narrowed it down to the FE Grill. From what I have seen the quality really seems to be there & it offers direct grilling for steaks. We grill a lot of steaks in our household. When grilling steaks, does it have a similar taste to charcoal? Is the smoke taste over powering or is it just the right amount? I have never done ribs, brisket or boston butts but I would like to experiment.

Thanks for any info, Greg
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my wife and i have eaten steaks in THE best restaurants, we love a great steak.

Last time we did a steak on the FEPG we LOVED the steak. Bar none, best we've ever done.

You're not cooking over charcoal but you are cooking over 100% wood.

AND you can smoke on it. When I'm smoking just one item or two it works great.
Thanks SmokinOkie for the responce. My family loves steaks & they all like them rare to medium rare. If there is no pink, they are upset. We hv steaks at least 2 times a week. Cooking entirely with wood really sounds good to me. I just wanted to make sure its not to over powering of a wood flavor.

Wood/smoke flavor is a great accent, if you "smoke" them a little before direct grilling. But if you take them from the fridge and direct grill/sear at high you can get a nice rare to med rare steak with a great "wood fired" flavor but not over powering smoke flavor etc.

To me it's 1)easier and 2)better flavor than charcoal.
Have grilled steaks many times on the FEPG. I still think the best way to tell when they are ready is to use an instant thermometer. Just figure whether you like steak at 125,130,135,140 etc. I know a lot of folks can figure it out by touching but it is difficult for me. The thermometer never fails.

The grill size holds only about 3 or 4 steaks comfortably. If we are serving more, I grill the well done steaks to about medium, take from direct side and put on indirect side to keep warm and finish. Then, continue with rare or medium steaks on the direct side.

The smoke does not overwhelm. With the temp set to about 480 or 500 and the HHT at 100, you can cook 'em pretty fast with the hood closed. We also season the steak with a steak rub, and let the steaks warm to close to room temp before grilling (an hour or two). For my taste, I do a steak for about 90 seconds, then turn for grill marks, do 90 seconds, then flip, repeat the process. Now, my steak is done in about 6 or 7 minutes. HELLO!

I've grilled steaks over charcoal and on gas grills all my life (I'm in my 70's). This grill does the best. It is absolutely awesome. All you do is push a button and set the temp.

I also trim some fat off the steaks, render to grease. Put the grease in a 9" cake pan and put on indirect side. Then splash the finished steaks in this for just a second. Or, brush just a bit on.

As far as the rib rack. It has 8 slots. When smoking big spareribs, we've found it is best to keep the ribs apart. We smoke 4 slabs at a time. I tried smoking more, but, large ribs touched and caused a few cool spots. I like to keep a little space between the ribs. Four at a time works for us.

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