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Hello everyone, I sure am glad I found this site.
anyways, after reading through the threads, ive finally signed up and decided to post a few questions.

how did you find your commisiary?

what do you 'pay' to use the facility(am i looking at 200, 500, 1000 a month fee for a small setup)? do some of you cook for the rent?

how did you approach them?

there is a vfw and 2 churches in my neighborhood that im planning to ask. have you found that these people are approachable or are they hesistant about letting a complete stranger into a kitchen?

major thanks to all who respond.
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I would approach the church that you are a member of first. Or if you are a vet, check with the VFW.

I had complete control of our church kitchen, but I found out it was badly out of compliance. Being a small church, with an average attendace of about 30 people per week, we could barely pay our bills, so putting money was into the kitchen was not an option.

You have ommitted your home town on your bio, so we can't tell if you are from a small town or a big town. That carries a lot of weight. Being from a small town we have it made.

You should talk to one of your trustees and see what they say.

I donate all the pork and cook for our annual church "Holy Smokes" BBQ fundraiser. That might put you in good with them.

Good Luck, Roger
is there a culinary school near you?
if there is call and ask for the program director. these guys are a font of information.
even though i had graduated 15 years ago i was able to get my commisary just by asking the program director who he knew i could talk to.
also check with your county extension agent. many communities have certified kitchens operated by them and that would certainly be worth a try
hope this helps some
thanks for all the wonderful replies. i know now the places to try.

but, how am I to approach them? phone, or in person? find out who the person is in charge, introduce myself like "hi, my name is so and so, and I am looking into starting a small catering company etc..., then ask, "is it possible to rent your commisary for money or for services?"

thanks all
In person would be the way to go. I went to quite a few places, and no one would sponsor me as my commissary because they didn't want a stranger coming into their kitchen. I guess if I owned a place like that I would be leary too. I finally checked into the VFW (I am retired military) and they sponsored me. In return, we volunteer our, I let them use my grill, my wife cooks lunches once in a while...things like that. Good luck.

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