I'm getting ready to start pushing into new markets for catering, specifically office parties, and I've been looking at the BBQ restaurants in my area that I'll be working against. Some of them have very bizarre pricing, where their meat pricing on the plate is waaaayyy different than their meat pricing by the pound. Example: 8oz meat, 2/4oz sides, and bread for $5.95, but meat alone is $10-12 per pound. Anyone else notice this? Just curious.
But my real question is, have any of you noticed "deceptive" advertising in your area, and do you think it works?
What I'm calling deceptive advertising is a local restaurant that advertises a package containing 1.5# of meat, 1 rack of BB's, 3/pint sides, a half gallon of tea, and 12 hushpuppies as suitable for 8 people, at a cost of about $5.50 per person.
Working at it backwards with the same items, for eight people I would suggest 3# of meat, (I'll let the rack stay, but mine are STL) 1 rack of ribs, 3/qt sides, 2/gal tea, and 48 pups. I'll charge about $70, or $8.50 per person. The difference is that with mine you're actually getting enough food to consider it a meal.
I called this restaurant to check them out and they strongly suggest that you order extra meat and/or sides with this package if you're feeding heavier eaters. They pushed very hard!!! If I ordered what the guy on the phone suggested (additional rack $19, 2# meat $24, 1gal tea $6, 3 more PT sides $12, and 3 orders HP's $6) my order would have come to about $112, or more than double the original cost for their 8 person meal and about $14 per person.
This wasn't the only restaurant where I've seen similar packages. Is this type of packaging (that I consider deceptive) something you all have run across?, and if so do you think it works?
This package in question is just 3oz of meat and 2 BB bones per person. I don't know how folks in your neck of the woods eat BBQ, but around here I'd take more than that if I was catering a kinder garden class of 5 year old kids. I might cut back on my usual 4-6oz sides to maybe 2-3oz, but even children pack away the BBQ and hushpuppies.
I try to give people more credit, and assume they'll know how much they actually paid after the transaction regardless of what teaser price I lured them in with, and I also wouldn't want someone ordering a package like that from me and then realizing how inadequate it was after they ran out of food and drink after 3-4 people. It seems to me the downside is too steep, but it seems to be working for some folks and I just wondered what thought's you all had on the subject.
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