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Have a BBQ trailer in mid AL and Ivan paid us a visit, thats the start......................
Local electric coop needed someone to feed them 3 a day for 3 days. Was told 30 people for time period. Showed up and it was 60 people instead of 30, then 80 then 88 then 96.
Now what do I charge??????
15 lbs bacon, 260 eggs, 160 sausage patties
juice cinn rolls

lunch was a box lunch
sands, chips, crackers
camp stew or gouhlash


pork and 3 sides tea 1 day
spagetti, salad garlic bread 1 day
ribs and ckn 1 day
beans, corn, salad grilled ckn breast 1 day

they called and said they needed the service and didnt mention $$$ after all its the electric co and I need them too
any ideas on pricing???
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best advice is to break out your original serving size per person, i.e. 2 eggs, three strips bacon, etc. find out what your food cost is per person. After you add all of this together I usually add another 10% of the total food cost (ex. ttl cost = $1.00 * .1 = $1.10) to cover incidentals, paper etc. I then will divide that by .25 - .30 (this is your target food cost percentage)to arrive at a per person charge. I charge for every person I feed no matter whether I fixed for 30 or 60ppl. If you ran out of food then charge for the number of people you estimate made it through the line before food ran out. Obviously you don't want to take advantage of the situation, but you should get compensated for having to feed the extra people.
I am not in the middle of a natural disaster though so I would do what sounds reasonable. Remember that the electric co. isn't going to eat the cost of all the OT they are paying. The price for electricity will be adjusted to allow them to be compensated for their additional expenses and so should you.
Just my opinion
I'll get Jack on this, too. He's good with food costs. What Mark says sounds good to me. I'd keep really tight on your records. Keep lots of detailed written records and all receipts. This has been a very wearing hurricane season and I bet those electric employees really appreciate your efforts.
Tom said he met you in Alabama and sent us your good wishes. We wish you the best, too.
2 Greyhounds....(not SMOKIN yet, but we will be soon)
Well I worked up a price for the coop and sent it, but I still would like to know what someone else would have charged, if you dont mind. Dont put alot of work in to it. I was looking for a general price for Bfast and lunch and Dinner seperately. Put out 1048 meals for the 4 and 1/3 whatta ya think? I did find out what FEMA pays for meals though but I am far below that figure...thanks for the responces and God Bless
well your last post sure took the fun out of this Razzer . just kidding
for breakfast (your highest profit meal) i would have hit them for $5.00/person.
lunch i would hit them for $7.50/person unless it was brunswick stew in which case it would have been 8/person.
dinner would have been around $10.00/person
and for gosh sakes don't tell me what FEMA pays.
just got paid today and saw the taxes taken out
ps. i think they were lucky they got you!!!!!!
pps. thanks for watching over tom lol

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