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First "official" review is out.

Smokin' Okie Brings Championship BBQ to Coach's

Okay, you nitpickers will find a few verbal misques but go easy on me. Only one take to get to this video in, and there was SO much more video they took, you missed my ribs, they were $$$$ that day.

Here's a quote from the Food Editor that says it all Big Grin

Folks often ask me where to find the best barbecue in town. The usual answer I give is, “There's a lot of good places, but I'm still looking for the best.”

The looking is over. Coach's in Bricktown, 20 S Mickey Mantle Drive, is now home to my favorite barbecue. Yes, that Coach's. Believe it

EDIT: Added Photos:

Sauces are on the Tornado Scale (it IS Oklahoma)

F0 = Sweet
F1 = Regular
F3 = Hot
F5 = Too hot to ask (Ghost Pepper in this one)
Last edited {1}
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Way to go Smokin'. That has to make you puff up alittle. It has to be a good feeling when you get a review like that from a Food Critic.
I believe all of us BBQ'ers are striving for a review as good as that one.
I might just come to OK so I can come to your restaurant.

I figured with your knowledge the endeavor would be successful, but looks like you hit it out of the park. I'm very happy for you. It's one thing to cook great barbecue, but teaching staff and making the restaurant environment successful is quite the challenge. Looks like you're on your way. Very nice write up by the Food Critic...should bring in some customers.

Those beef ribs look outstanding. Where's the fat? Rendered perfectly. Wish I could say the same for our local BBQ joint here in Roseville. Their beef ribs are quite tasty, but they just don't get the fat rendered like you have.

I'm going to have to work my way though Oklahoma City one of these days. Looks too good to pass up. I want to try those beef ribs, and, yes, the brisket hamburgers.

Again, good for you Smokin.

Thanks everyone.

I will say, that I've been asked a lot "where do you eat BBQ" just like people ask the critic where to get BBQ.

The challenge? And this is the challenge for anyone else who wants to open a restaurant.

How to server home quality food in the restaurant?

We start this 3 months ago and in reality, we're just getting started. Lots of work ahead.

We've started training the 2nd restaurant knowing the article was coming out in Today's paper.

Try to take restaurant people and teach them BBQ. Let's just say, it's been an "adventure". But I even give them BBQ 101 and they all have to take a test and pass.

Love the food, more new items to come. We kept the menu small on purpose, but I've already got the next 10 to 20 items in my head that we'll add to the menu as we go.

Beef Ribs, Burnt Ends, Loin Backs will be on the weekend menu and even a few surprises.

My daily question to myself. Would I eat the BBQ at the restaurant. I plan to daily be able to say yes.

But it's an adventure...

I know, I know, I need to do a BBQ Restaurant 101... Big Grin
Originally posted by AndyJ:
And I seem to recall you saying you couldn't find anywhere to get those giant short ribs in OKC. Looks to me like you found a place to get them. Smiler

Great job Russ. Congrats!

Big Grin


You noticed that, thanks Wink

I'll tell you. One of the challenges is finding the quantity and quality of what I want for meat. I'm using the same brisket I used for Competition. Beef Ribs and Loin Backs have been an issue (but fixed now). Sourced a new Sausage. Have a steady St. Louis rib that I REALLY like. It's a new search each time I add an item. It's good we have a great relationship (and lots of buying power) with our local Food Service Company. I have the #'s of the National Seaboard Meat guy and a few others now.

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