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I am new to the forum and professional smoking but I have been in restaurants for 20 years and an owner for 10. I am thinking of branching out into BBQ. I have looked at the smokers at the food show but would really like to see one installed and in operation. If anyone is willing to give a tour it would be appreciated and I would pay back somehow. I am in Illinois just north of Chicago (But born in Memphis and raised in North Carolina)
Original Post
I'd call sales,and ask them for some input.

They can help pinpoint the type cooker,and some available locations.

John works a lot of the restaurants and is helpful.

email Fast Eddy,the developer,as he also works with lots of installations.

There are a few folks like you are hunting that come on the forum,but most are way south.

As you are aware,you aren't exactly in the "bbq belt". Wink

Some of the Famous Dave's up north had some Cookshacks.

Emeril's restaurants had some CS 160 s,but don't think you have any in the area.

Give us a shout,if we can be of any assistance.

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