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I did one chicken on the beer can holder and split one in halves.

I simply rubbed them in olive oil, and dusted them with the cs spicy chicken.

I smoked them for an hour at 180 and then for about an hour at 325...ran it up to 425 for the last few minutes.

Pulled them at 165 in the breast and served.

Here is the proof in the pudding. I have been cooking things on my 020 for months now, my wife hasnt eaten one single thing (with the exception of some salmon) Last night she claimed one breast piece as her own and this morning she took the other to work with her for lunch.

The smoke was perfect, as compared to every time I smoked chicken in the 020 she said it tasted too smoky.

I am going to do 25lb of kielbasa this weekend....cant wait.

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