Now that is a bad feeling.
I'd guess you can probably tell from handling the packer about how long it cooked.
Calling CS service is about all I can suggest.
As to" reading about similar events",I always subscribe to the thought that folks post about a problem with their new car,stove,gun,etc. and few comment every day about how "things work as expected".
My team mate ,Ribdog, is always good about setting a Maverick..."just for that one chance in a 1,000".
I'm bad about not doing it.
At FL comps there are so many FEC s of all models that it looks like "an FEC tradeshow".
I,personally,only know of a couple incidents.One was a cook kicked his extension cord loose and the other was they were relying on faulty power on the fairgrounds and it failed.
About a decade and a half ago,Fast Eddy taught me the method that many of us use and "knock on wood"it has never failed me.I use the same method at home,to keep my timing down.
About 8PM I start the cooker,while I'm doing the final prep on my "big meats".After it is running like I like,I put the meats on about 8:30.
I clean up for the night,make sure the cooker is running at temp on my two stage cooking and at 9PM we go to the motel.
We come back to the cook site when it is time to start getting the ribs ready to go on and check what they are serving for breakfast.
I know this doesn't help you,Max,just passing on my anecdote.