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Fire went out.... and I dont know when.

I started my smoke with 8 pork butts and 2 briskets. I was going to do 180 for 8 hours then finish at 250.

I started last night, and went to bed with just over 5 hours left at 180. I set my alarm to go off when it was supposed to go up to 250 to make sure everything was ok.

When I got out there. My fire had gone out. And I am not sure long ago. The oven temp was at 150, and my fire pot was half full of pellets.

Internal temp of pork butts were in the 130s and the Internal temp of the briskets were upper 140s.

I got it fired up, but my biggest concern and main question is, is the food going to be ok?

Please respond ASAP... I may need to go get another load of meat if its bad. I'll be posting this on other forums in hope of getting the quickest response.
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