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Guys I have a FEC500. And I have used it many times, but I haven't really taken it to the limit when it comes to filling it up with meat.

Always had several ribs and then butts and then briskets and so on. But I have always had extra space. I have a cook for a fund raiser, and we are going to do 400lbs of butts. I'm not worried about having room. But how much time do you guys think it will add having it full of meat. I feel the meat will absorb more heat and therefore take more time.

How much more do you think

In the past I would allow 11 hours or so, would you think it might take and extra hour or maybe two??

Thanks Guys,

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If you're worried about cutting it close, you have a place to hold them, just start them a little sooner, 2 hours would be fine. Shoot, with that many butts you could finish them off completely before the ribs if you wanted. I filled an ice chest with 16 butts and they were too hot to hold 7 hours later.

It will take a little longer to start up with that much meat, but I've only done a couple of really large cooks. Once it gets to temp, it won't have a problem holding.

Did a full cook in a 750 with 45 briskets. The key on that cook to keeping the time down was putting the briskets in a hot smoker. Seemed to cut down on the start up. Sure I lost heat from the door being open, but it came right back up.

Now when I did 500lb of FROZEN chicken...that took a while.
Hey Randy, We do fundraisers all the time with different types of cookers. The most consistant one we use for large quantities is a Southern Pride that we rent. The key is steady and even heat throughout the whole cook time. After using my FE100 I'm confident a 500 would do as good or better. We start at 6:00pm at 225*
and wrap them in foil at 6:00am. I bump the temp up to 240* and continue from there. Customers start to pick them up at 11:am.
For this one we will be doing butts only.
were going to prep at 6:00 pm, then put them on at 11:00 pm. And then I want to startpulling them no later than 2Razzerm. We're doing this at a high school, and we will have electric warming cabinets to hold the meat for serving.

In smaller batches, say 100 lbs, I would do them in teh 11-12 hour range. But witht eh extra meat do you think it will prolong the cook time much??

With the 50 or so butts,we're not going to wrap. I do for comp, but not for this many. I feel with that many the dripping action will be perfect. And we'll be spraying a little something for flavor.


My bad!! I thought you were selling butts. Sounds like your having a dinner? I don't wrap for that either, but I try to run them up to 185* then let them rest before pulling the meat.
The warmers will be a lot of help, but don't turn them up so hot you dry out the meat. Good Luck!!!

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