I just bought the 50 and will have a Q next Saturday for about 50 people. I have always smoked on an multi-level offset and could cook for up to 75/100 guests. The CS book says 40lbs of meat and some of the posts say that is conservative. My plan is for 2 briskets 9 to 12lbs each, 2 butts about 6lbs each and six racks of pork ribs. My question is timing and how to best load the CS. The ribs are full ribs about 18" long. I know I will have to open the door at least once/twice to put in butts and ribs. On the offset smoker, briskets have taken 14 to 18 hours (slow and low) and the butts and ribs about 4 to six hours. I have read a lot of the forum posts and have learned some great ideas. Has anyone done this much meat in a 50 at one time or do I need to phase it etc? Any help would be great because I do not like to practice with $150 of meat at a time and reputation is on the line.
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